The medical ethic of confidentiality is usually taught from a western ethical perspective based on the Hippocratic oath. This study at an urban Aboriginal medical service aimed to explore how...
The incidence of sexually transmissible infections (STIs) in Australia continues to rise.1 Although public sexual health clinics provide un-referred services, most STI diagnosis and management...
General practice connects medicine to the community more than any other medical specialty. It can provide more intelligence about the health of the population than is available from any other...
GP supervisors are well placed to contribute to increasing high-quality primary care research for several reasons. Good teachers promote intellectual rigour in their discipline and contribute to...
An Australian survey of parents of pre-school children reported that they were more likely to consult for fevers if high or persistent.3 A Melbourne study identified the predominant factors...
Printed from Australian Family Physician -© The Australian College of General Practitioners