Years after the experience, this senior doctor remembered with fondness and laughter a clinical teacher from her junior years. She described someone who seemed to exemplify the Hippocratic aphorism...
‘Heartsink’ patients offer a moral dilemma. We recognise their suffering, but at the same time struggle with the feelings they engender in us. These patients can trigger aversion, fear and even...
Patients with multiple medically unexplained symptoms are common in general practice. Comorbid depression, anxiety, substance abuse and significant psychosocial stressors are common. It can be...
Patients with medically unexplained symptoms commonly present to general practice,1,2 and their symptoms can be severe and disabling.3,4 The challenge for the general practitioner (GP) involves...
As a medical student, I remember feeling that once the diagnosis was made, uncertainty was over and our task then involved following the evidence based guideline to achieve a satisfactory clinical...
There are a number of sociological frameworks, models and theories around the lived experience and care trajectory of chronic illness.6–11 Most identify an important moment when the diagnosis is...
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