Australian Family Physician
Australian Family Physician



Elly Scheermeyer

Email: escheerm@bond.edu.au
PhD, is Coordinator, Primary Health Care Research Evaluation and Development Program, School of Health Sciences and Medicine, Bond University, Gold Coast and Research Fellow, CNRC, School of Medicine, University of Queensland.

Intellectual disability, sexuality and sexual abuse prevention A study of family members and support workers

Many people with intellectual disability live in supported accommodation,1 or with family, and many lack jobs, meaningful activities or close relationships in their life.3,4 Unrecognised health...

Prader-Willi syndrome Care of adults in general practice

Infants with PWS are floppy and inactive, have a weak cry, a poor suck and feeding problems, which lead to growth failure. This is followed by several characteristic stages in which feeding...

Women with intellectual disabilities A study of sexuality, sexual abuse and protection skills

Sexual abuse and abusive relationships are known to be especially common in people with intellectual disability. This study explored how women with intellectual disability understand sex, ...


Australian Family Physician RACGP

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