Australian Family Physician
Australian Family Physician



Prem Rashid

PhD FRACS(Urol), Conjoint Associate Professor, Rural Clinical School, The University of New South Wales, and Director of Urology, Port Macquarie Base Hospital, NSW (at time of publication)

Sandra Rasmussen

RN RM IBCLC, Midwife, Narrogin Hospital and Boodjarri Yorga program, Boddington, WA (at time of publication)

Deepani Rathnayake

MBBS, MD, Dermatology Fellow, Sinclair Dermatology, East Melbourne, VIC. (at time of publication)

Manjri Raval

BHSc, PGDipPH, MPH, is Senior Research Assistant, Mother & Child Health Research, La Trobe University, Melbourne, Victoria and a medical student, James Cook University, Townsville, Queensland (at time of publication)

Morton Rawlin

BMed, MMedSc, FRACGP, FACRRM, DipPractDerm, is Adjunct Associate Professor, Department of General Practice, Sydney University, New South Wales. (at time of publication)

Warren David Raymond

(at time of publication)

Camille Raynes-Greenow

(at time of publication)

Christine Read

(at time of publication)

Rebecca L Read

DPhil, FRACS, Poche Fellow, Melanoma Institute Australia, North Sydney, NSW (at time of publication)

Rebecca Read

MD, FRACS, Poche Fellow in Melanoma and Surgical Oncology, Melanoma Institute Australia, North Sydney, NSW (at time of publication)


Australian Family Physician RACGP

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