Australian Family Physician
Australian Family Physician



Yishai Mintzker

MD, Clinical Instructor, Sackler Faculty of Medicine, Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv, Israel

General practice ethics: Continuing medical education and the pharmaceutical industry

CaseDr Jana is a general practitioner (GP) in a practice where pharmaceutical company representatives are generally welcomed. However, Dr Jana has decided to have no contact with the...

General practice ethics: Disclosing errors

CaseDr Warburton works in a large and busy metropolitan general practice. One evening, after he turns his computer off, the receptionist hands him a written request for an urgent medication renewal...

General practice ethics: Overdiagnosis, harm and paternalism

CaseJames Trantor, 45 years of age, is a generally anxious man and has chronic conditions including type 2 diabetes and ischaemic heart disease. Recently, he had an episode of right facial numbness...

General practice ethics: text messages and boundaries in the GP–patient relationship

CaseDr Brian has been caring for the Lucas family for more than 10 years. John and Mary’s son, Jimmy, is 4 years of age and was recently diagnosed with symptomatic diabetes mellitus. This led to...


Australian Family Physician RACGP

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