Australian Family Physician
Australian Family Physician



Donna B Mak

MBBS, MPH, Professor and Head of Population and Preventive Health, School of Medicine, University of Notre Dame, Perth, Western Australia.

Attitudes of WA GPs to chlamydia partner notification A survey

Partner notification is essential to interrupt transmission of sexually transmissible infections. We surveyed the attitudes to partner notification of general practitioners seeing 1–5 cases of...

An audit of chronic hepatitis B contact tracing in metropolitan Western Australia

The National Hepatitis B Strategy 2010–2013 and Australia’s National Hepatitis B testing policy prioritised sexual and household contacts of people with CHB for hepatitis B testing and vaccination...

Hepatitis A and B vaccination The rate of uptake and course completion in patients with hepatitis C

Western Australian general practitioners may order Department of Health funded hepatitis A and B vaccines for patients newly notified with hepatitis C to prevent complications associated with...

‘I can sit and talk to her’: Aboriginal people, chronic low back pain and heathcare practitioner communication

Good communication between patients and healthcare practitioners (HCP), such as general practitioners, medical specialists, physiotherapists and nurses, is fundamental to successful CLBP care.8...

Opportunistic screening for chlamydia in young men

Information on prevalence of genital Chlamydia trachomatis in young men attending Australian general practices is scarce.

Seasonal influenza vaccination 
in Aboriginal children in Western 
Australia in 2015

Aboriginal children and Torres Strait Islander children are more likely than non-Indigenous children to be hospitalised with influenza associated complications, and are five times more likely than...

Predictors of uptake of influenza vaccination A survey of pregnant women in Western Australia

In Australia, influenza vaccine has been supplied free-of-charge for pregnant women through the National Immunisation Program since 2010, and in November 2011, the Royal Australian and New Zealand...


Australian Family Physician RACGP

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