Australian Family Physician
Australian Family Physician



Teresa Sze Mun Lee

Email: tsmlee@nsccahs.health.nsw.gov.au
PhD, BAppSc(Physio)(Hons) is Research Associate, Breast Cancer Research Group, University of Sydney and a lymphoedema physiotherapist, Royal North Shore Hospital, New South Wales.

Access to treatment for breast cancer-related lymphoedema in Australia

MethodsA web-based survey was sent to the Review and Survey Group of the Breast Cancer Network of Australia, a national consumer group (n = 760), in May 2010. The questionnaire was informed and...

Vaccines and risk of lymphoedema a case report of a breast cancer patient

Table 1. Assessment of the extent of lymphoedema using a single frequency bioimpedance analysis device1–4A single frequency bioimpedance analysis device can be used to quantify the extent of...


Australian Family Physician RACGP

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