The 45 year old health check (MBS item 717) for patients aged 45–49 years was introduced in 2006. This study evaluated its impact on preventive care and patient reported risk factors.
The Royal Australian College of General Practitioners Guidelines for preventive activities in general practice (the ‘red book’) are now more than 20 years old. Therefore it is an important...
Evidence based guidelines recommend that adults be assessed for modifiable lifestyle risk factors: smoking, nutrition, alcohol and physical activity (SNAP) regularly. This article discusses the...
A new medical assistant training program has been developed as an innovative solution to the workforce pressures facing general practice in Australia.
Given these challenges it is important to evaluate the quality of care in multimorbidity. However, while many measures assessing quality of care in primary care have been validated for evaluating...
Multimorbidity may present as a collection of long-term conditions that share common risk factors (eg. chronic obstuctive pulmonary disease and cardiovascular disease as a result of smoking) or...
General practice is the cornerstone of primary care in Australia. The computerisation of general practice has placed general practitioners (GPs) at the forefront of moves to use the pooled data...
The steps in the care pathway following screening include diagnostic investigation, assessment and staging, surgery, and for some, chemotherapy and/or radiotherapy and an extended period of...
Prevention of vascular disease is an important and challenging role for general practice. Various professional bodies in Australia have published best practice guidelines that address the major...
The low uptake may be attributed to the newness of the development and introduction of these risk assessment tools; broader general practitioner factors such as GP characteristics, attitudes and...
What is the MetSy and why is it important?The MetSy is a cluster of risk factors comprising:excess abdominal weightlipid abnormalitieshypertensionelevated glucose levels.It is not only an...
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