Australian Family Physician
Australian Family Physician


Adolescent health

March Vol 40 (3) 81-176
AFP > 2011 > March



Christopher Harrison, Helena Britt, Janice Charles

Is this normal?

Patrick D McGorry, Sherilyn Goldstone


Michael Carr-Gregg, Ramesh Manocha

Combining energy drinks and alcohol

Peter Miller, Dan I Lubman, Amy Pennay

Eating disorders

Michele Yeo, Elizabeth Hughes

Up front

Healthcare… it’s out there!

Rachel Lee

Letters to the editor


Liver function tests

Penelope Coates

Diagnosing colorectal polyps and masses

Tom Sutherland, Elizabeth Coyle, Wai Kit Lee, Belinda Lui

Smelly foot rash

Paulo Morais, Lígia Peralta

An odd looking lesion

Shawn Amyot, Lawrence Leung

Recurrent haemoptysis

Rumi R Khajotia, Nalini Somaweera


Anterior shoulder dislocation

Sadiq Jamali


Mark Nelson, Julie Bunyard, Stephen Quinn, Danielle Williams

Disease awareness advertising

Don Iverson, Danika Hall, Sandra C Jones

Recurrent vulvovaginal candidiasis

Marie Pirotta, Cathy Watson


Improving health outcomes in young people

Mieke van Driel, Susie Radford, Kate Swanton

Consent to medical treatment: the mature minor

Sara Bird

Department of Veterans’ Affairs forms

Helen Westbury

A division’s worth of data

Karina Gardner, Marianne Shearer, Jill Kelly, Christopher Pearce


Rural health education

Katherine van Schaik

Research Viewpoint

Blood pressure devices

Mark Nelson

Back pages

Book reviews

Clinical challenge

Deepa Daniel, Nyoli Valentine


Intellectual disability, sexuality and sexual abuse prevention – a study of family members and support workers

Gillian Eastgate is a GP and researcher who discusses her research interviewing the family members of, and support workers for people with, an intellectual disability on their intellectual disability and sexuality. It is a companion to her research published (and accompanying podcast) in April 2011 interviewing women with an intellectual disability and their views on sexuality.

Osteoporosis – prevention and detection in general practice

Dr Dan Ewald is a GP and public health physician from the NSW who discusses osteoporosis prevention and detection in general practice, telling us what the evidence shows and reminding us of the importance of sorting the evidence from the hype.


Australian Family Physician RACGP

Printed from Australian Family Physician - https://www.racgp.org.au/afp/2011/march
© The Australian College of General Practitioners www.racgp.org.au