Lisa Valenti,
Helena Britt,
Janice Charles
Benjamin K-T Tsang,
Richard Macdonell
Lyndal Trevena,
Ian D Cameron
Margaret Zoing,
Matthew C Kiernan
Daniel KY Chan,
Sharon Reutens,
Dennis KW Liu,
Richard O Chan
Up front
Kath O’Connor
Meagan Brennan,
Leila Cusack
Paulo Morais,
Lígia Peralta
Matthew Del Fante,
Genevieve Gabb,
Nick Andrew
Jon Emery
Nancy J Sturman
Fran Baum,
Toby Freeman,
Gwyneth Jolley,
Marlene Wiese,
Michael R Kidd
Jennene Greenhill,
Carolyn Berryman,
Linda Sweet,
Lori Tietz,
Susan M Wearne
Romayne Moore,
Michael Yelland,
Shu-Kay Ng
Sarah Minnery
Corinne Patching van der Sluijs,
Marivic Lagleva,
Andrew Pesle,
Kean-Seng Lim,
Hani Bittar,
Michael Dibley
Jo-Anne Manski-Nankervis,
Deepa Daniel,
Doris Young
Siaw-Teng Liaw
Back pages
Nyoli Valentine
Falls management in the elderly
Dr Nicholas Waldron discussed falls management in the elderly.
Dementia management
Professor Dimity Pond discusses dementia management in general practice.
The rational use of medications in the elderly
Associate Professor Sarah Hilmer on the rational use of medications in the elderly.