Australian Family Physician
Australian Family Physician


Culture and diversity

April Vol 39 (4) 177-256
AFP > 2010 > April


Compassionate listening

Kate Walker, Joanne Gardiner

Mental health

John Furler, Renata Kokanovic

End of life care

Katherine Clark, Jane Phillips

Up front

Culture and diversity

Rachel Lee

Letters to the editor


Vitamin B12 deficiency

Toni Maldari, Thomas Turnbull, Jill Benson

A patient with nodular skin swelling

Rumi R Khajotia, Sree Raman, Pathmanathan Rajadurai, Wan Yaacob


Cora A Mayer, Amy A Neilson

Comparing patients’ perceptions of IMGs and local Australian graduates in rural general practice

Catherine Harding, Louis Pilotto, Naresh Parajuli, Luke Johnston


A comparative study on the accuracy of noninvasive thermometers

Fadzlin Mohd Fadzil, David Choon, Kulenthran Arumugam


Using interpreters

Christine Phillips

Failure to use an interpreter

Sara Bird

GP ‘grand round’

Jon Emery, Tracy Reibel, Lesley Skinner

Optimising the medical care of doctors

Hilton Koppe



Karen W Gurney


NESB patients

Helena Britt, Salma Fahridin, Janice Charles

The ‘ultra slow’ BCC

Steven Tomas

AFP in practice

AFP in Practice

Carolyn O’Shea

Back pages

Clinical challenge

Kate Molinari


Cervical spine injury in primary care

Helen Ackland, Trauma Research Fellow at the National Trauma Research Institute and the Alfed and Doctoral Candidate at the Critical Care Research Division of Monash University's School of Public Health and Preventative Medicine talks about Cervical Spine Injury in primary care

Management of acute shoulder injuries in general practice

Shane Brun, Associate professor of Musculoskeletal and Sports Medicine at the clinical skills unit of the School of Medicine and Dentistry at James Cook University talks about the management of acute shoulder injuries in general practice.

Maxillofacial trauma

Mr Anthony Lynham, a consultant and maxillofacial surgeon at the Royal Brisbane and Women's Hospital talks about Maxillofacial trauma.


Australian Family Physician RACGP

Printed from Australian Family Physician - https://www.racgp.org.au/afp/2010/april
© The Australian College of General Practitioners www.racgp.org.au