Australian Family Physician
Australian Family Physician


Engaging men in health

March Vol 38 (3) 81-176
AFP > 2009 > March


Engaging men in health care

Greg Malcher

Men and depression

Kay A Wilhelm

Men and mental health

Clare Bayram, Helena Britt, Salma Fahridin

Failure to diagnose: prostate cancer

Sara Bird

The newly single man

Darren Russell

Up front

Not mission impossible

Jenni Parsons

Letters to the editor


A cutaneous horn on the ear

Sergio Vano-Galvan, Manuel Gil-Mosquera, Ruth Gómez-Guerra, Pedro Jaén Olasolo

Cally’s carpal complaint

Simon Burnet, Patrick J Phillips

The ‘iron salute’ in haemochromatosis

Evange Romas

Post-traumatic stress disorder

Bronwyn Wolfgang, Mark Creamer, David Barton, John Cooper, David Forbes


A cardiovascular risk clinic using home BP monitoring

Colleen McGoldrick, Geoffrey K Mitchell, Patrick D Byrnes, Margaret Crawford

Fear of needles

Michael Yelland, Shu-Kay Ng, Simone Wright, Kathy Heathcote, Garfield Wright

Paediatric vascular birthmarks

Gideon Sandler, Susan Adams, Claire J Taylor

Smoking patterns and readiness to quit

Seham Girgis, Armita Adily, Maria-Jose Velasco, Frances L Garden, Bin B Jalaludin, Jeanette E Ward, Nicholas A Zwar


Health literacy

Robert J Adams, David H Wilson, Catherine L Hill, Susan Gravier, Ilona Kickbusch, Justin Beilby, Nigel Stocks

Quadrivalent HPV vaccination reactions

Robert J Douglas

To be Superman

Natalie Knoesen, Son Thai Vo, David Castle


Learning from UK primary care

Richard Hays

AFP in practice

AFP in practice

Carolyn O’Shea

Back pages

Book reviews

Clinical challenge

Kath O’Connor, Jenni Parsons


Intellectual disability, sexuality and sexual abuse prevention – a study of family members and support workers

Gillian Eastgate is a GP and researcher who discusses her research interviewing the family members of, and support workers for people with, an intellectual disability on their intellectual disability and sexuality. It is a companion to her research published (and accompanying podcast) in April 2011 interviewing women with an intellectual disability and their views on sexuality.

Osteoporosis – prevention and detection in general practice

Dr Dan Ewald is a GP and public health physician from the NSW who discusses osteoporosis prevention and detection in general practice, telling us what the evidence shows and reminding us of the importance of sorting the evidence from the hype.


Australian Family Physician RACGP

Printed from Australian Family Physician - https://www.racgp.org.au/afp/2009/march
© The Australian College of General Practitioners www.racgp.org.au