Belinda Welsh
Alex Chamberlain,
Jonathan Ng
Graeme C Miller,
Salma Fahridin
Adriene Lee
Steven Tomas
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Jenni Parsons
Meagan Brennan,
Nehmat Houssami,
Andrew J Spillane
Sudheer Ahamed Puthiyaveetil
Gemma Sampson
Sarah M Dennis,
George Wen-Gin Tang,
Elizabeth Comino,
Nicholas A Zwar
Geoffrey Spurling,
David King,
Deborah A Askew,
Geoffrey K Mitchell
Helena Rosengren,
Thomas Connelly,
John B Dixon,
Anthony Dixon
Christopher Pearce
Sara Bird
Des Gorman
AFP in practice
Carolyn O’Shea
Back pages
Rachel Lee
Dermatoscopy in routine practice – ‘Chaos and Clues’
Dr Cliff Rosendahl discusses the importance of dermatoscopy and outlines an approach that GPs can use to enhance their practice centred on the concepts of 'Chaos and Clues'
Nonmelanoma skin cancers – treatment options
Dr Philip Clarke discusses the treatment options for nonmelanoma skin cancers.
Melanoma – a management guide for GPs
Prof John Thompson discusses melanoma management.
Skin checks
Professor Rod Sinclair discusses 'skin checks' what are the recommendations? How might you do it? How can you classify what you find? and much more