Australian Family Physician
Australian Family Physician


Volume 38, Issue 4, April 2009

Heart health CHD management gaps in general practice

Nancy Huang Marcus Daddo Eleanor Clune
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For many years, the Heart Foundation has been involved in the development of evidence based clinical practice guidelines for the management of cardiovascular diseases and conditions, including coronary heart disease (CHD). However, the production of guidelines does not ensure the uptake of evidence based recommendations in practice. This ‘management gap’ – or difference between guideline recommendations and actual clinical practice – may contribute significantly to the burden of CHD in Australia.
This review aims to identify gaps of clinical significance in the management of CHD in Australian general practice. These identified gaps will then inform future efforts to improve cardiovascular outcomes in this setting.
A literature and key documents search was undertaken to identify Australian data relating to cardiovascular disease, current practice and treatment gaps in the general practice setting. A number of gaps in the management of CHD exist in Australia. Addressing these gaps will improve patient outcomes. While the reasons for the management gaps are complex and multifaceted, the Heart Foundation will use this information to focus its messages and activities in general practice. The key messages developed present opportunities for improved clinical management of CHD in general practice.

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