Australian Family Physician
Australian Family Physician


Challenging life stages

April Vol 43 (4) 161-240
AFP > 2014 > April


Paediatric psychological problems

Christopher Harrison, Helena Britt, Janice Charles, Allan J Pollack

Managing dementia-related cognitive decline in patients and their caregivers

Edward Strivens, Denise Craig

Paediatric palliative care – the role of the GP

Nicole Armitage, Susan Trethewie

Perinatal mental health

Anne Buist

Struggling at school

Frank Oberklaid

Up front

The art of general practice

Sarah Metcalfe


Blame, shame and hopelessness: medically unexplained symptoms and the ‘heartsink’ experience

Louise Stone

Approach to low back pain – osteopathy

Brett Vaughan, Tracy Morrison, Della Buttigieg, Chris Macfarlane, Gary Fryer

Flashes and floaters

Shyalle Kahawita, Sumu Simon, Jolly Gilhotra

Hip pain in young adults

Miguel Fernandez, Peter Wall, John O’Donnell, Damian Griffin


Can chronic disease management plans including occupational therapy and physiotherapy services contribute to reducing falls risk in older people?

Lynette Mackenzie, Lindy Clemson

Finding a segue into sex: young men’s views on discussing sexual health with a GP

Meredith Temple-Smith, Sarah Latreille, Archibald Collyer

Up close – reasons why parents attend their general practitioner when their child is sick

Tim Usherwood, Mohna Sharma


Getting the balance right between generalism and specialisation

Anthony Scott

Appointment Zen – shaping demand and matching capacity

Andrew Knight, Tony Lembke

Back pages

Clinical challenge


Perinatal mental health

Professor Anne Buist, Director of Women's Mental Health at the University of Melbourne, Austin Health and Northpark hospital discusses perinatal mental health with a particular focus on managing medications in general practice

The child having difficulties at school

Professor Frank Oberklaid, Director of the Centre for Community Child Health, Royal Children's Hospital, Melbourne, talks about the role of the GP in assessment of the child who is having difficulties at school.


Australian Family Physician RACGP

Printed from Australian Family Physician - https://www.racgp.org.au/afp/2014/april
© The Australian College of General Practitioners www.racgp.org.au