Rural Procedural Grants Newsletter, October 2023
In this issue:
The latest news
Claim resubmission guide
There are times when we may require more information to be supplied to support your claim. This might include updated credentialling or employment documents, a program for the activity or other supporting documents. In this situation, you will be sent an email notification and your claim will be sent back to your ‘MY TASKS’ list, awaiting the requested information. Once this information has been collected, you can then resubmit your claim back to us for final processing.
To resubmit, please log in to the grant’s portal, go to your ‘MY TASKS’ list and then find the relevant claim number. Open the claim, attach the certificate or other relevant documents, and then submit. Your form is saved as a draft, so you do not need to fill out the form again.
If you need any assistance with claim submission or resubmission, please contact our team at
Online claims
In the 2020-21 financial year the Department issued a temporary arrangement for Online Claims for the Rural Procedural Grants Program to provide additional flexibility and support to rural procedural GPs so that they can continue to access subsidised CPD activities.
We would like to remind all participants that these temporary arrangements are currently available until 31 December 2023. If we receive any information about the extension or change to these arrangements, we will communicate them to participants as soon as possible.
Limits are as follows
Component 1 – Procedural GPs Practising in Surgery, Anaesthetics and/or Obstetrics
CPD activities delivered online will be eligible between July 2020 and 31 December 2023 at $1,000 per day, for a maximum of 10 days
Component 2 – GPs Practising Emergency Medicine
CPD activities delivered online will be eligible between July 2020 and 31 December 2023 at $1,000 per day, for a maximum of 3 days
Emergency Mental Health Services
CPD activities delivered online will be eligible between July 2020 and 31 December 2023 at $1,000 per day, for a maximum of 3 days
RPGP Grant limits
- $2,000 per day for up to 3 days of face-to-face training per financial year.
- $1,000 per day for up to 3 days of online training until 31 December 2023.
- A grant of $2,000 per day for an additional 3 days per financial year for emergency mental health training. Online training in emergency mental health will be eligible for a $1,000 per day for up to 3 days per financial year.
Online activities claimed count toward the total $6,000 cap each financial year.
- $2,000 per day for up to 10 days of face-to-face training per financial year.
- $1,000 per day for up to 10 days of online training until 31 December 2023.
Online activities claimed count toward the total $20,000 cap each financial year.
Currently, online claiming arrangements are due to end 31 December 2023.
Online portal FAQs
Here is a compiled list of the most common questions we receive about the online portal.
Q: The form asks me for my account number. Is this my RACGP number?
A: No, your RPGP account number is not the same as your RACGP number. You were sent an email when you joined the program that contains your RPGP account number. The temporary answer to your security question might be your surname with the first letter capitalised, unless you enrolled in the program after we launched the online portal, in which case you would have set this up yourself.
Q: I registered to access the online portal a while ago and now I want to apply for a grant. Where do I find the log-in page?
A: Visit the RPGP website. Scroll down and click on the ‘Make a claim’ button, which will take you to the log in page. We recommend you bookmark this link in your internet browser or add it to your favourite pages so you can easily find it next time.
Q: How do I update my details?
A: Email your new details to us at
Q: Can I put all my claims on the same form?
A: No, you need to complete one form for each claim linked to one component of the program.
Q: I’ve sent in several claims and one was rejected. How do I know which one it was?
A: The rejection notice will have a task number on it. You’ll be able to see your completed claims under ‘My tasks’ in the online portal and that will show you what has been approved.
Claiming for clinical attachments
When submitting a claim for your clinical attachment, please make sure that you’ve filled out the supervised clinical attachment form and have added the following in a separate word document:
Your clearly stated learning objectives, educational exposure and learning outcomes.
Learning objective
A general statement about what you want to learn throughout the attachment.
Learning outcomes
A specific statement describing exactly what measurable skills and abilities you have developed.
As an alternative to the Supervised clinical attachment form, please attach a letter from the attachment supervisor(s) which includes content, dates and hours worked, along with your learning objectives and learning outcomes.
All claims are to be submitted through our
RPGP grants portal.
Face-to-face courses
Online courses
Course |
Date/location |
Grant approved |
ABCDs of the critically Ill patient 2023 |
Online, self-paced, LearnEM |
One day – emergency |
Advanced Cardiac life Support |
Online, self-paced, LearnEM |
Two day – emergency medicine |
Paediatric trauma |
Online, self-paced, armchair |
One day – emergency medicine |
ABCDs of Acute Behavioural Emergencies |
Online, self-paced |
One day – emergency mental Health |
Online Fetal Surveillance Education Program (OFSEP) |
Online, self-paced |
One day – emergency medicine |
The Fundamentals of Safe Vacuum Delivery |
Online, self-paced |
One day – Obstetrics |
Responding to the deteriorating patient |
Online, self-paced |
Two days – anaesthetics |
Trauma radiology |
Online, self-paced, Radiopaedia |
Two days – emergency medicine |
This program is funded by the Commonwealth Department of Health.