Transition to the Rural Generalist Fellowship (current trainee)

Page last updated 8 February 2023

This application is for current FARGP trainees (registrars or practising GPs) who want to transition to the Rural Generalist Fellowship. You must be a financial member of the RACGP at the time of your application.

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Core emergency medicine training

The Rural Generalist Fellowship’s core-emergency medicine training is designed to strengthen your training by providing you with the skills and confidence to manage emergency situations in rural and remote environments.

You’ll develop the knowledge, skills and confidence to address unique rural challenges, provide high-quality emergency medicine care and lead healthcare teams in your community.

Core emergency medicine training

Duration 6 months full time equivalent (FTE). Can be undertaken any time after completing hospital training time and can be completed as extended skills term.
Prerequisites Minimum of one emergency skills course within the 24 months before, or during, the emergency medicine training.
Location Accredited emergency medicine facility with appropriate supervision.
Assessments Logbook, random case note analysis, direct observation of procedural skills (DOPS), mini clinical evaluation exercise (mini-CEX) and supervisor reports.
Procedural skills DOPS include simple wound suturing, reducing large joint dislocation, cardioversion, plaster application, IV procedural sedation, complex airways procedure, nerve block, ultrasound.
Do you think you’ll be able to meet these requirements?:


