As a practising GP, we recognise that you may start rural generalist training with many years of relevant experience. A process for recognition of prior learning and experience (RPLE) assesses relevant training and/or experience that can potentially meet some or all your education and training requirements for the RG Fellowship. We’ll support you to apply for RPLE which, if approved, can reduce your total training time.
You may apply for RPLE for any or all the training components of the RG Fellowship. The RACGP Rural and/or state censor will assess the evidence presented regarding your knowledge, skills and experience to determine if you are eligible for RPLE for relevant components of your training.
Information on RPLE assessment criteria and the evidence requirements are listed on this web page.
Enrolment process
To apply for the RG Fellowship as a practising GP and a Fellow of the RACGP (FRACGP), you will need to complete this application form, and liaise with the RACGP Rural Faculty rural generalist team to complete the RG Fellowship.
To apply for the RG Fellowship as a practising GP and a FARGP and/or FACCRM holder, you will need to complete this application form, and liaise with the RACGP Rural Faculty rural generalist team to complete the RG Fellowship.
Recognition of prior learning and experience (RPLE) is the recognition of any relevant experience and training you have that may meet some of the education and training requirements of the Rural Generalist Fellowship.
What do I need to include in my application?
You’ll need to submit sufficient evidence to demonstrate that you meet all the requirements and/or learning outcomes of the curriculum for which you’re applying for RPLE.
The table below outlines the criteria that will be assessed for each component of the RG Fellowship, in addition to what you have already completed for the FRACGP. There are examples of evidence you may submit to support your application. Please note that other types of evidence may also be applicable.
RPLE assessment criteria and evidence requirement examples
Training term
RPLE Assessment criteria
Examples of evidence
Rural general practice experience in an MMM 3–7 location (12 months FTE)
- Completion of 12 months (FTE) of general practice experience in an MMM 3–7 location within the last five years (in either one continuous block or blocks of at least four weeks duration).
- Rural-specific general practice experience, including the opportunity to work as a GP providing one or more of the following:
- emergency/trauma services at the local hospital or similar healthcare facility
- other procedural and/or non-procedural services at the local hospital or similar healthcare facility
- after-hours services according to community needs
- primary healthcare service with limited local access to specialists, including hospitals with salaried medical specialists and inpatient–outpatient allied health services
- Current CV (we recommend using the RACGP CV template to ensure all relevant information is included)
- Statements of service
- Letters of employment
- Letters of support or references from supervisors and/or colleagues
Additional rural skills training (12 months FTE)
- A minimum of 12 months FTE training in an accredited post to develop additional skills. Note: Refer to the ARST curriculum for details of specific training requirements.
- All training requirements, learning outcomes and logbook requirements of the chosen ARST curriculum have been met.
- Current CV (we recommend using the RACGP CV template to ensure all relevant information is included)
- Statements of service
- Letters of employment
- Letters of support or references from supervisors and/or colleagues
Additional rural skills training (12 months FTE)
- The outcomes of the particular ARST curriculum have been met.
- A minimum of 12 months (FTE) training in an accredited post to develop additional skills. (Refer to the ARST curriculum for details of specific training requirements.)
- All training requirements, learning outcomes and logbook requirements of the chosen ARST curriculum have been met.
- Current CV (we recommend using the RACGP CV template to ensure all relevant information is included)
- Statement of service
- Letters of employment
- Support letters or references from supervisors and/or colleagues
- Letter outlining how you meet the outcomes of each of the domains of the relevant curriculum
- Logbooks
- Assessments (eg direct observation of procedural skills [DOPs], case-based discussion reports, mini–CEXs, supervisor reports)
- Case studies
- Reflective journal
- Written reflections
- Completion of relevant external qualifications for specific ARSTs (eg Diploma of Rural Generalist Anaesthesia/Advanced Certificate in Rural Generalist Anaesthesia, DRANZCOG Advanced/RANZCOG Associate Training Program Advanced Procedural, ACEM EMAD/Associateship in Advanced Emergency Medicine)
- FACRRM, by assessment
Core emergency medicine training (6 months FTE)
* Note: where training was completed more than 5 years prior, evidence is required on how the skills have been maintained/utilised
- Current CV (we recommend using the RACGP CV template to ensure all relevant information is included)
- Statement of service
- Letter of employment
- Letters of support or references from supervisors and/or colleagues
- Credentialling to work unsupervised in a rural emergency department
- Evidence of participation in an on-call emergency roster
- Logbooks
- Assessments (eg DOPs, mini–CEXs, supervisor reports)
- Written reflections
- Evidence of current CPD in emergency medicine
- ACEM emergency certificate or diploma/ACEM Associateship in Emergency Medicine (Intermediate or Advanced)
- FACRRM, by assessment
FRACGP and FARGP to RG evidence
- current rural hospital credentialing to provide emergency services,
- previous rural hospital credentialing to provide emergency services (within ten years), or
- admittance to Fellowship of the Australian College of Rural and Remote Medicine (FACCRM).
GPs who have never been credentialed to provide emergency services in a rural hospital will need to show evidence of having completed training equivalent to the core-EMT.
- Appropriate evidence for training equivalent to the core-EMT includes, but is not limited to, one or more of the following:
- Certificate of completion from at least one advanced emergency course within the past 3 years and must be current at the time of submission,
- Evidence of participation in an on-call emergency roster,
- Evidence of completion of an emergency qualification such as the ACEM Emergency Certificate or Diploma,
- Evidence of significant experience working in an emergency setting, or
- Evidence of having achieved the skills listed in the Emergency Skills Logbook.
FRACGP and FACRRM evidence
FACRRM by assessment
- financial member of the RACGP
- unrestricted Australian medical registration,
- 52 weeks FTE of rural general practice experience in a MMM3-7 location within the last five calendar years,
- core-emergency medicine training including an advanced level emergency course, and
- evidence of completed 12-month Additional Rural Skills Training (ARST).
GPs applying to have experience recognised that was undertaken more than five calendar years prior to the application for RPLE must provide additional evidence to demonstrate that they have maintained the knowledge and skills acquired during the period, including relevant CPD requirements.
GPs who did not obtain their FACRRM by assessment are not eligible and need to apply through the RACGP’s General Practice Experience Pathway.
Once you have submitted an application, the RACGP Rural Faculty rural generalist team will contact you to discuss the next steps.
From 17 November 2023 until 17 May 2024, practising GPs applying for RG Fellowship via recognition of prior learning and experience (RPLE) will pay zero fees. To find out more,
click here.
New applicants
A $950 (GST free) registration fee is applicable to all practising GPs who are new applicants (those who do not already hold the FARGP).
An Additional Rural Skills Training (ARST) fee of $2,800 (GST free) will be charged right before you start your Additional Rural Skills Training post. The ARST fee is only payable to RACGP for the six RACGP managed ARSTs. The ARST fees for anaesthetics, obstetrics and emergency medicine are administered by the relevant medical college (ANZCA, RANZCOG or ACEM).
If you are applying for Recognition of Prior Learning and Experience (RPLE) for your ARST, the ARST fee may not apply to you.
After enrolment and payment of invoice, you will be granted access to gplearning. You will need to gather all of your evidence to support your RPLE application and upload it to this portal. We’ll assess your application and ask for extra documentation if needed. Depending on how well your experience and evidence covers the requirements of the Rural Generalist Fellowship, you may receive RPLE in full or in part. If you receive partial RPLE or your application is not successful, the RACGP Rural Censor will give you advice about how you can best meet the requirements of the training program. If at this point you decide that you no longer wish to continue with the RG fellowship, you will receive a refund of $455 from the $950 (GST free) registration fee.
FARGP holders
Until 31 December 2023, a $675 (GST free) registration fee will apply to all FARGP holders who would like to transition to the Rural Generalist Fellowship. This is a one-off payment with no further costs involved.
To support your training there may be funding, scholarships and grants available in each state from various funding sources. Please refer to your local organisations for further information.
You may also be eligible for Workforce Incentive Program through the Department of Health and Aged Care.
Initial Communications
Upon successful enrolment into the Rural Generalist Fellowship, you will receive communications from the RACGP Rural Faculty Rural Generalist (RG) team.
This initial communication will provide you with the registration fee invoice. Once you advise us that payment has been made, you will be provided with access to your online learning platform to upload all your evidence. This is where you will find other relevant resources.
Your Rural Generalist program team
The following people will be supporting you throughout your training. This may include, but is not limited to:
- RACGP Rural Faculty Rural Generalist team
- Supervisor (including non-GP specialists)
- GP mentor
- Assessors
Training Plan
Your training plan documents your broad training goals for your RG training. This may include:
- Which ARST you plan to complete
- Your core EMT requirements and how you will complete this term
- When and how you will complete each component of your training
- Where you are looking to complete your training and relevance of the training to yourself and the community
- You will be able to review your training plan throughout your training on your online learning platform.
The role of your mentor
If you need to meet further training requirements, you will need to nominate a mentor for the Rural Generalist Fellowship.
Your mentor can be any member and Fellow of the RACGP you wish to nominate, who is prepared to review your learning plan, support you with developing a training plan to meet any additional training needs.
The rural GP mentor is a source of advice on training in the broader context of rural general practice, as well as a professional role model and mentor.
Mentors do not need to have the FARGP/FRACGP-RG nor live or work nearby, as the process is completed online.
Arranging a placement
As part of your rural generalist training, you need to complete a six-month placement for core Emergency Medicine Training (EMT) and a 12-month placement for your ARST. The process for managing these placements will vary between regions.
You are responsible for finding an appropriate training post and there is no location requirement applicable to you for your ARST, unless listed in the relevant curriculum. You will need to have completed at least 12 months in rural general practice or as per the RPLE requirements.
The Rural Generalist Coordination Units (RGCU) in your location may be able to assist you with identifying potentially suitable placements.
The RGCUs are funded to support rural generalist training via their coordinating function with their respective state or territory health department and other rural stakeholder organisations.
Finding a suitable placement for your training will involve discussions with your mentor and your RGCU. Being proactive will increase the likelihood of securing your ideal placement.
If you are training in anaesthesia, emergency medicine or obstetrics, you will need to ensure payment has been made to the relevant medical college. If you are completing an RACGP managed curriculum for your ARST, you will be invoiced prior to commencement of your placement (Refer to Fees).
See the RACGP Rural Generalist Fellowship Training Handbook for region-specific RGCU information.
Additional Rural Support for Training
In addition to your local support from RACGP staff and program teams, you will be able to access support from the rural generalist coordination units, local workforce agencies, primary health networks and local health networks in your state.
See the RACGP Rural Generalist Fellowship Training Handbook for more information.
Timeframe to complete Fellowship
You have two years to complete the Rural Generalist Fellowship from the date that you pay your invoice. If you receive partial RPLE and decide you wish to complete the extra training required to receive full RPLE, your completion time of two years will commence from the training start date instead of the date you pay your invoice.
Attaining Fellowship
After completing rural generalist training, the RACGP Rural Faculty rural generalist team will help you with the completion of training process and advise that the training completion evidence will need to be uploaded on the gplearning online platform.
The RACGP Rural censor will endorse your completion of training for admittance to Rural Generalist Fellowship. Once this is ratified by the Censor-in-Chief, you’ll be admitted to FRACGP-RG and your ARST specialty will be included on your Fellowship parchment.