December 2024

Chair report

Message from the Chair

As we near the close of 2024, it's been a busy and productive time for the RACGP NSW&ACT, with key events and strategic planning setting the stage for an exciting year ahead.

It was fantastic to see and connect with so many of you at GP24 in Perth. The atmosphere was vibrant, with robust discussions around the challenges and opportunities in general practice. The feedback we received was invaluable, highlighting the ongoing need for professional support, education, and advocacy as we continue to navigate the evolving healthcare landscape. Many members expressed their desire for more targeted CPD opportunities and greater collaboration with regional colleagues to address local healthcare needs. I am very much looking forward to working with my colleagues to deliver in these key areas.

I also enjoyed seeing some of you in Manly on 29 November at our collaborative member meet up with RACGP Rural, following the RDN conference.

On 30 November, the NSW&ACT Faculty Council convened for our annual Strategic Planning Day to set our direction for the coming year. This was an insightful and engaging session, with invaluable contributions from our regional representatives. Together, we identified our key priorities and objectives for RACGP NSW&ACT.

Agreed objectives for 2024/25
  1. Workforce - A sustained longitudinal GP workforce across NSW&ACT
  2. Quality GP Care – GP-centred integration of care and prescribing to enable co-management and support for patients, with equity of access to all people in NSW&ACT, including vulnerable populations
  3. Optimised Funding Approach – an optimised funding approach across general practice at a state and national level.

These objectives will shape our advocacy efforts over the next year and beyond, as well as informing our pre-budget submissions at the close of this year. Our ongoing commitment is to support our members in delivering high-quality care while advocating for the viability of a sustainable and rewarding career in general practice.

As we look ahead to the summer break, I hope you all find a moment for yourselves to rest after an incredibly busy year. I would like to send my best wishes to all who will be celebrating this festive season, as well as extending my support to anyone who may be struggling this time of year. I strongly encourage everyone to make use of the many wonderful support services that we have available for anyone experiencing a difficult time, no matter what month of the year.

The RACGP GP Support Program is a free service designed to foster a culture of self-care amongst GPs. DRS4DRS has been specifically developed by the medical profession to support the unique needs of medical professionals.

Lifeline is also here to offer 24/7 crisis support to anyone who is feeling overwhelmed, difficulty coping or staying safe.

Take care,
Dr Rebekah Hoffman

Calendar of events

Upcoming events

Project ECHO - NSW Opioid Treatment Program Wednesday 18 December 2024
7:30AM - 8:30AM EDT
1 RP Hour
Managing hepatitis C in general practice settings Monday 10 March 2025
7:30pm - 8:30pm EDT
1 EA hour


Have your say on the draft National Lung Cancer Screening Program Guidelines – consultation is now live!

The draft National Lung Cancer Screening Program Guidelines are now available for public consultation. The guidelines will assist healthcare providers to navigate themselves and participants through each step of the program’s screening and assessment pathway. The guidelines also provide advice on promoting cultural safety, equity and the reduction stigmatising behaviour, and the provision of smoking cessation advice.  
The guidelines have been developed in consultation with experts, clinicians, researchers, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, and consumers.

From July 2025, high-risk people aged between 50 and 70 years with a history of cigarette smoking of at least 30 pack-years will be able to get a free low-dose CT scan using fixed and mobile screening infrastructure every two years unless a screen detected abnormality is found which may require an interval scan or other follow-up.   

The program aims to reduce illness and deaths from lung cancer by encouraging people at high-risk to participate in targeted routine lung cancer screening.

We welcome feedback from all individuals and organisations.
Visit the Consultation Hub to view the draft Program Guidelines and complete the online survey: National Lung Cancer Screening Program Guidelines Public Consultation - Australian Government Department of Health and Aged Care - Citizen Space.

The consultation will close on 5 January 2025.

For further information on the National Lung Cancer Screening Program, view here:

Support for victims of crime in NSW


Anyone who has experienced a crime in NSW can contact Victims Services for free and confidential information, advice and referrals to support their recovery.

Victims who have been injured by a violent crime or modern slavery in NSW can also apply for counselling, financial assistance and a recognition payment through the Victims Support Scheme.

For more information about victims support:
  • visit the Victims Services website
  • call the Victims Access Line on 1800 633 063 or the Aboriginal Contact Line on: 1800 019 123 (Monday to Friday, 9am – 5pm)
  • ​or email.
You can also download a copy of the Victims Support Scheme poster from the Victims Services website.

Information sessions about the Victims Support Scheme
Victims Services, within the NSW Department of Communities and Justice, provides free online information sessions about the Victims Support Scheme for organisations that support victims of crime. The sessions can help your teams to learn more about:
  • eligibility for the scheme
  • types of support available under the scheme
  • how to apply
  • required documentation
  • how to assist clients with an application for victims support.
To request an information session, contact the Victims Services Communications team at

End of year CPD check-in

We encourage you to complete a simple CPD progress check and complete your requirements before the end of this year. Please note that we’ll be closed from 24 December to 1 January 2025.  

As a gentle reminder, the Medical Board has determined that there will be no grace period this year, therefore all your CPD activities will need to be completed by 31 December. However, you’ll have until 28 February 2025 to record your completed activities from 2024.   

Progress check – log in to myCPD and ask these key questions if you have unmet requirements in December: 
  • Am I waiting for my hours to be uploaded? Activities completed with our Providers are due to be recorded in your CPD record within 30 days of activity completion. This gives providers until the end of January 2025 to upload activities completed at the end of December.  
  • Do I still need to find some EA/RP hours? For a simple solution, you can’t go past our AJGP Clinical Challenges or check units available on-demand through gplearning. Complete these activities by 31 December and they’ll be automatically included in your 2024 CPD record. 
  • Are my 5 MO hours completed? If you’re not waiting on audit hours to be uploaded, find a summary of our top MO suggestions here with helpful tips and links. 
  • Do I need support to log my completed activities? We can provide assistance throughout January and February to help you finalise your 2024 CPD ahead of the 28 February recording cutoff.  
  • Have I submitted my Professional Development Plan (PDP)? This annual requirement is worth up to 5 Reviewing Performance hours. Your CPD for 2024 won’t be complete until your PDP is submitted, so why not do it today? 
Looking for help and guidance?  
Contact our CPD support line 1800 716 853 for assistance to find and complete relevant activities ahead of the year’s end, if you need it.  

Remember that your activity logging can be finalised in January and February. We encourage you to take a well-deserved break to prioritise your health and wellbeing and connect with your nearest and dearest.  

Have a CPD question during our end of year closure? Email us at and our team will assist you when we return to the office on 2 January 2025

Welcome new Fellows

Sadaf Ambreen Jacinta Christiansen
Sarah Shabihkhani Priya Ashwath
Cheuk Fung Lam Kal Yacoub
Susie Yu  

Congratulations on achieving Fellowship of the RACGP! We recognise the sacrifice and hard work that has gone into your general practice journey.

Transitioning from being a GP in training to an independent, practising GP is a major career-changing (and life-changing) milestone. The Next Five Program extends its support to New Fellows as they navigate their first few years of unsupervised practice. 

National news

The new Understanding Medicare: Provider Handbook is here

The handbook is a new resource designed to help healthcare professionals, medical practice staff or anyone involved in Medicare billing and claiming to understand and navigate the Medicare system.

This new resource provides clear guidance on essential Medicare topics, including:
  • benefits
  • claiming
  • available programs
  • Medicare and hospitals
  • Medicare Safety Nets
  • The Medicare Benefits Schedule (MBS) rules and requirements
  • Where to get help and support.
Whether you’re new to Medicare or experienced, this handbook is your go-to guide for building a solid fundamental knowledge of Medicare functions and principles.

For more information, access the handbook at Understanding Medicare: Provider Handbook

Changes to the FSP and AGPT Program eligibility and selection process

From 2025.2, we’re making important updates to the Australian General Practice Training (AGPT) Program and the Fellowship Support Program (FSP) eligibility and selection process. 

The changes will simplify the application processes and ensure prospective candidates have equitable access to training opportunities. The updates reflect our ongoing commitment to delivering high-quality training programs that meet the evolving needs of both GPs and communities. 

For further information, please visit our website:
AGPT Program 

Mark your calendar for a special International Women’s Day event.

Between 6–11 March 2025 the RACGP is holding an event in each state, as well as online and you’re invited to help us celebrate the achievements and contributions of women in general practice and beyond.  

At our International Women’s Day event you will hear from inspiring women in general practice who will lead meaningful discussions on driving change and achieving equality. Together, we’ll celebrate the incredible women shaping the future of healthcare. 

This special event will provide networking opportunities and a chance to reflect on the 2025 International Women’s Day theme ‘March Forward.’ 

Save the date and stay tuned for more details. Don’t miss this unforgettable event happening in your state. 

We look forward to celebrating with you.  

The RACGP Hackathon is back for 2025!

We're inviting GPs to join forces with developers and clinical entrepreneurs to tackle real challenges affecting general practice.

Date: 28 - 30 March 2025
Location: Sydney, NSW (venue TBA)

During the three-day event, participants will be presented with a problem, then work in groups to develop and prototype their solutions. Teams will present their findings to a judging panel of four digital health experts, with prizes awarded to the winning group.

Expressions of interest are open now until 31 January 2025. Submit an EOI here.

NSW Health update*

Preventing ARF and RHD in NSW

NSW Health has developed a video to  help GPs recognise and manage acute rheumatic fever (ARF) and rheumatic heart disease (RHD). In NSW, ARF/RHD predominantly affect Aboriginal, Torres Strait Islander, Māori and Pasifika people. At-risk individuals can develop ARF/RHD following Group A Streptococcus (GAS) infection.

ARF and invasive GAS notifications have increased, particularly among children. Consider ARF in young people presenting with compatible signs and symptoms, including fever, joint pain, chest discomfort, chorea and raised inflammatory markers.

ARF/RHD and their sequelae are preventable. In at-risk patients, treat tonsillitis and impetigo empirically with antibiotics for GAS. Help end RHD in NSW.

External news

Canberra Script - Advancing care through Real Time Prescription Monitoring.

Listen to this four part podcast series to learn more about the ACT’s real time prescription monitoring system ‘Canberra Script’, and how embedding this important system into your workflow can lead to better patient health outcomes.

Click here to access the podcast recordings and available resource links.
The RACGP does not accept any responsibility for any loss or damage that may result from reliance on, or the use of, any information contained in this newsletter.

