My Health Record
The My Health Record system supports medicines safety by providing visibility of current and past medicines, as well as a list of allergies and adverse reactions.
My Health Record Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS) and Repatriation Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (RPBS) claim data
This list provides the details of PBS/RPBS medicines claims information sourced from Services Australia. The details of any successful claims that have been made in the past 2 years will be included, if available.
My Health Record prescription and dispense records
This list provides a view of medicines prescribed and dispensed and can be filtered by the following:
- date range
- prescribe or dispense records
- active ingredient
- brand name
Prescription records may include information on:
- brand name/strength prescribed
- Active Ingredient
- dosage instructions
- maximum number of prescription repeats
- date of prescription expiry date
Dispense records may include:
- brand name and strength prescribed
- Active Ingredient
- strength dispensed
- dosage instructions
- number of repeats already dispensed
- number of remaining repeats
- the date dispensed
Pharmacist Shared Medicines List
The Pharmacist Shared Medicines List (PSML) is a list of medicines created by a pharmacist It can include prescribed, over the counter and complementary medicines.
My Health Record Medicines View
The Medicines View extracts and collates medicines information held in the patient’s My Health Record and displays it in a summarised view.
The Medicines View can provide a quick snapshot of allergies and adverse reactions as well as medicines information and save healthcare providers time by reducing the need to search through recent shared health summaries or relevant documents to find this information.
The information in the Medicines View is gathered from:
- the individual’s most recent (and up to two years’) prescription and dispense records and other PBS claims information
- the individual's most recent Shared Health Summary and discharge summary
- available Event Summaries, specialist letters, e-Referral notes and Pharmacist Shared Medicines List uploaded to the individual's record since their latest shared health summary
- the individual's personal health summary, which may include any allergies or adverse reactions and other key information.