Social media in general practice

Tips for getting started

Last revised: 25 Feb 2022

Tips for getting started

  • Get started by setting up your accounts. Consider what email addresses and other contact details you will use for your account set-up.
  • Take the time to set up your accounts properly by completing the ‘about’ sections for your business with consistent and accurate information.
  • If you are using images of your business, they should be consistent across all your social media sites. Make sure you get consent from staff before posting photos or information about them.
  • Determine your social media objectives and what content you want to provide. This will help you work out what resources you need to generate and how to manage your social media channels.
  • Create a social media policy that protects your business, your staff, and your patients.
  • Keep it together – ideally, the different social media you use should complement and link with each other. For example, you might use Twitter to connect with people about health policy, but link from Twitter to your LinkedIn profile where you can upload more detailed posts about topics of interest.
  • Don’t forget your website – even if you’re on five different social media platforms, your website will probably be where the most useful and comprehensive information about your practice is kept, so wherever you can, try to direct people from your social media to your website.


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