Standards for general practices

Core module

Introduction to Core Standard 1

        1. Introduction to Core Standard 1

Last revised: 24 Feb 2023


Core Standard 1

Communication and patient participation

Our practice provides timely and accurate communications that are patient-centred.

Communication with patients includes:

  • communication that occurs before the consultation, during the consultation and after the consultation
  • verbal and written communication, and the use of interpreters, including sign language interpreters
  • communication between the patient and
    • the practitioner
    • the practice team
    • other clinicians in the practice.

Communication must be patient‐centred. This means that the practice team considers the patient’s values, needs and preferences, and gives the patient time to provide input and participate actively in decisions regarding their healthcare.1 Patients must be provided with the appropriate information they need to manage their condition.

The practice must also consider the communication needs of carers and other relevant parties.
