GP deployment to an evacuation centre
The trigger for GP deployment to an evacuation centre will usually be determined by LHNs, who will communicate a request for GP assistance to the relevant PHN.
GPs on the volunteer register will be contacted to determine their willingness and ability to assist at an evacuation centre. If multiple evacuation centres are being established, you may be able to nominate the centre you wish to attend; however, this may not always be possible.
Depending on the local community context, the ongoing effects of the disaster, the range of other medical health services available in the community and the availability of GP staff, each shift could involve a team rather than an individual clinician. These teams may include medical, nursing and/or other support staff as available. Other healthcare services may also be included in the evacuation centre, such as allied health, as available and appropriate.
GPs should receive an orientation to the evacuation centre and be set up with basic supplies to perform their duties. You will be expected to bring your own prescriber’s/doctor’s bag, water, snacks and any personal items that may be needed.