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RACGP WA RSV immunisation program update

Following the announcement of the RSV infant immunisation program in WA, this webinar provides the latest information on the rollout.

Recorded: 11/03/2024

Children & young persons health

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Hepatitis B in primary care

This webinar provides an update on the epidemiology, screening, diagnosis, and management of hepatitis B in the community. 

Recorded: 13/03/2024

Sexual and reproductive health

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Self-care for GPs

Self-care is vital for all GPs’ health and wellbeing. This webinar will discuss various self-care strategies you can implement, and will explore the evidence-based benefits and nuances of mindfulness.

Recorded: 14/03/2024

Adult healthDoctors health

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Taking the pain out of pain management (Part 2): Putting theory into practice

This instalment of the Rural Health Webinar Series will build upon a previous webinar ‘Taking the pain out of pain management’, recorded on 7 September 2023. This webinar will focus on how to apply the theory presented in the first webinar into clinical practice, using case presentations as examples. It is strongly recommended that you view the first webinar before you attend the webinar.

Recorded: 14/03/2024

Adult healthCare of older peopleMusculoskeletal & sports medicinePain management

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What is good menopause - and how to avoid a bad one - RACGP in partnership with Besins Healthcare

With around 80,000 women moving into the pre-menopausal stage each year in Australian it is important that up to date and accurate information be provided to GP’s and other health care professionals to trigger informed conversations with patients around menopause. Webinar educational series in four parts covering What Menopause presents like – what a good menopause should look like and how to avoid a bad one. Current up to date advice around treatment options and a closer look into MHT for menopause management.

Recorded: 15/03/2024

Business of general practiceWomens health

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Sepsis Awareness

Join us for this webinar to gain insights from leading experts and enhance your skills in identifying the early signs and red flag symptoms of sepsis. Develop a comprehensive understanding of the pivotal role that GPs play in effectively managing this critical condition. Don't miss this opportunity to advance your knowledge and contribute to improved patient care!

Recorded: 19/03/2024

Adult healthChildren & young persons health

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Measuring your outcomes for psychological medicine with Dr Cathy Andronis

During this webinar RACGPSI Psychological Medicine Chair, Dr Cathy Andronis, will provide ideas of practical quality improvements that you can implement into your practice.

Recorded: 20/03/2024

Adult healthCPD assistPsychological health

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Replanting the Birthing Trees: Supporting Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander families during pregnancy and birth

This RACGP Specific Interests and Emerging Mind webinar will explore the practice skills required to effectively work with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander families during pregnancy and birth.

Recorded: 21/03/2024

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander healthChildren & young persons healthPsychological health

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Low Back Pain Model of Care

The model promotes consistency in care of all people experiencing back pain and avoidance of low value care, whether their back pain is compensable or not. Register now to build your knowledge about best practice for managing low back pain.

Recorded: 25/03/2024

General practice trainingMusculoskeletal & sports medicine

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Rural Health Webinar Series – Health and wellbeing for rural doctors and the risks and impacts of medicolegal claims (Part 2 of 3)

This instalment of the Rural Health Webinar Series forms Part 2 of the Medical Indemnity Protection Society (MIPS) three-part series on medicolegal issues and risk management in rural practice. The webinar will explore common health problems experienced by doctors and discuss ways to implement strategies to minimise a doctor’s medicolegal risk. It follows on from Part 1: Common medicolegal risks in rural practice.

Recorded: 4/04/2024

Business of general practice

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Approach to enhancing Cancer Screening and Prevention in Primary Care

The RACGP NSW&ACT Faculty and the Cancer Institute NSW are partnering in a one-hour webinar to educate health service delivery teams (General Practitioners, practice nurses, practice managers and administration staff) on how to locally tailor and enhance cancer prevention and support participation in the national cancer screening programs.

Recorded: 8/04/2024

Oncology and palliative care

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SafeScript NSW – New approval management functionality

This webinar will provide an update on SafeScript NSW, the state’s real time prescription monitoring system. Hear from health practitioners, learn how they use the approval management functionality to support clinical decision making and help patients gain greater health outcomes.

Recorded: 9/04/2024

Addiction medicine

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