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General Practice in Aged Care Overview webinar Members login for free access About RACGP online events


Type: On-demand
Recorded: 13 Aug 2024


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General Practice in Aged Care Overview webinar

On-demand recorded 13 Aug 2024

As of 1 July 2024, eligible GPs, including sole providers can start participating in the General Practice in Aged Care Incentive. This incentive provides GPs and practices with financial incentives for delivering a quality bundle of care including regular visits and care plans to patients that live in a residential aged care home as part of MyMedicare.
Incentive payments of $300 per patient, per year, to the responsible providers and $130 per patient, per year, to practices are available to participating GPs and general practices, who provide services to each of their MyMedicare registered patients in a residential aged care home rather than at their practice. These payments will be made quarterly and are in addition to the MBS or DVA rebates and the MyMedicare benefits.
To help GPs understand this new incentive and what it means for them, the RACGP is hosting a webinar presented by the Department of Health and Aged Care. The webinar will provide an overview of the General Practice in Aged Care Incentive, how GPs can make the most of the new incentive and how GPs can keep on top of their obligations under the scheme. The webinar will also feature a Q&A allowing participants to ask questions about the scheme directly to the Department.

  • Clare Sullivan – Acting Assistant Secretary, Primary Care Quality and Design Branch
  • Paresh Dawda – GP and Director from Prestantia Health


Dr Nicole Higgins
RACGP President and Practice Owner

Dr Nicole Higgins represents the depth and breadth of general practice. Growing up in rural Victoria and NSW and now living in North Queensland, Nicole is an active GP who is a business owner, director, supervisor, medical educator and working parent. Having previously worked with Tropical Medical Training and RVTS in medical education and training, Nicole has been recognised for her entrepreneurship and innovation in her workplaces. Nicole is the recent ex-chair of GP Supervision Australia and has had directorships from the old days of the Divisions of General Practice through the PHNs. Nicole regularly talks on Women and Leadership and proudly mentors other GPs.


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