The RACGP’s Privacy Policy has been recently updated. The policy outlines how the RACGP complies with its obligations under the Privacy Act 1988 (C’th) and other associated legislation. The policy describes how the RACGP handles personal information and other information covered by the Act.
The new release makes the following changes:
- In clause 4, the purposes for which the RACGP might hold, collect, use or disclose are expanded in the last paragraph to include marketing campaigns and website maintenance. Marketing campaigns and website maintenance are a normal part of the RACGP’s business activities and so information gained from these activities are covered by the privacy principles;
- In clause 5, a new example of where information might be collected is added to the list. The example is where a visitor to the website might fill out a webform;
- A new para 7.2 has been added and the subsequent paragraphs renumbered. The new para 7.2 caters for the privacy implications of information collected through visiting the RACGP website. This paragraph provides details of how information flows occur in the background through the use of Google Analytics and provides users with the ability to opt out of data collection and analysis;
- In clause 8, there is new clarification of how consent to receive direct marketing can be given; and
- In various clauses, references to the General Manager, Legal, Risk and Compliance have been changed to references to the Manager, Risk and Compliance.
1 February 2022