parkrun registration

Page last updated 2 March 2022

Become a parkrun practice

Thank you for your interest in becoming a parkrun practice. You’re one step closer to improving the health and wellbeing of your patients and staff, and strengthening the connections between your clinic and the local community.

The parkrun practice initiative is a voluntary collaboration between a GP practice and a local parkrun event.

We encourage you to reach out to your local parkrun and let them know you are interested in becoming a parkrun practice prior to registering.

Locate your local parkrun event

Practice details

In order to register, please supply your full practice address, name and details.

Contact for the parkrun practice initiative

The principal contact will be responsible for contacting the local parkrun event and for receiving future correspondence

If a GP, are you a member of the RACGP?:

Local parkrun event

Please enter the local parkrun event your practice will be linked with.

Before registering, please get in touch with your local parkrun to let them know of your interest in becoming a parkrun practice. Locate your local parkrun event

parkrun practice checklist questions

You are nearly there. Before registering, please review the below checklist. Please note, the below assets can be found on the parkrun practice webpage.

As a parkrun practice, you’re encouraged to:

Speak to your local parkrun volunteers and let them know your practice has signed up to be a parkrun practice:
Print and display posters or information about parkrun in your clinic:
Have a conversation with staff on the parkrun practice initiative and encourage staff to register and join the parkrun community:
Share parkrun information and patient cards with patients:
Include a link to parkrun on your website to encourage patients and the local community to join :

Get in touch and tell us about your passion for parkrun –

