

Advertising: Is your practice compliant?

Karen Stephens

9/11/2017 9:52:16 AM

The Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA) recently starting sending letters to practitioners as part of its advertising compliance and enforcement strategy.

Practices with advertising not complying with the National Law will have 60 days to correct breaches.
Practices with advertising not complying with the National Law will have 60 days to correct breaches.

Health practitioners who have been identified as having advertising which does not comply with the Health Practitioner Regulation National Law (the National Law) will receive a letter allowing 60 days to correct any breaches. AHPRA will then check that the necessary corrections have been made before deciding whether to take further action.
GPs who receive correspondence from AHPRA relating to advertising are recommended to contact their medical defence organisation (MDO) for further advice.
AHPRA provides information designed to help practitioners comply with the advertising requirements, including common examples of non-compliant advertising and how they can be fixed.

This article first appeared on MDA National’s Medico-legal Blog (subscribe here) and is reproduced with its permission.

advertising AHPRA Australian-Health-Practitioner-Regulation-Agency

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