Healthy Habits PDSA cycle template

General population

The Healthy Habits PDSA cycle template has been developed to help assess, reflect on, and improve your practice’s use of Healthy Habits, and can contribute to your practice’s quality improvement activities as part of general practice accreditation.

Location: National

Provider: Royal Australian College of General Practitioners

Topics: Healthy Habits resources

Sleep resources for health professionals

General population

This website provides information for health professionals to understand key aspects of sleep health and sleep medicine. It is designed for general practitioners, dentists, nurses, pharmacists, and psychologists.

Location: National

Provider: Australasian Sleep Association

Topics: Sleep

Chronic Insomnia / Insomnia Disorder – Co-morbid Insomnia

General population

This website provides information on the management of insomnia disorders with other co-morbid mental and physical conditions.

Location: National

Provider: Australasian Sleep Association

Topics: Sleep

Personal Walking Plans

General population

Refer your patients to our structured and supportive program that complements your care.

Location: National

Provider: Heart Foundation

Topics: Physical activity | Social prescribing

Understanding the Science and Reality of Obesity for Better Patient Care Elearning module

General population

This 1 hour e-learning module includes information about the science of obesity, personal experiences of patients and healthcare professionals, quick tips for best practice and opportunities to reflect on your practice.

Location: National

Provider: The Obesity Collective

Topics: Obesity

Implementing Healthy Habits for Practice Managers webinar

General population

This one hour webinar showcases the key features of the Healthy Habits tools, discuss ways to identify suitable patients and provide examples of workflows and quality improvement activities.

Location: National

Provider: Australian Association of Practice Management (AAPM)

Topics: Healthy Habits resources

Healthy Habits digital promotion resources for practices

General population

Digital resources to promote Healthy Habits to health consumers

Location: National

Provider: The Royal Australian College of General Practitioners

Topics: Healthy Habits resources

Tips and tools to manage sedentary behaviours in patients

General population

A webinar presenting the latest evidence and guidance around managing sedentary behaviours.

Location: National

Provider: The Royal Australian College of General Practitioners

Topics: Motivational interviewing | Physical activity | Social prescribing

Primary & Community Care Services– social prescribing services

General population

This service provides social prescribing supports and links for people including physical activity programs and healthy lifestyle/food programs across a broad range of NSW and QLD locations.

Location: NSW | QLD

Provider: Primary and Community Care Services Limited

Topics: Physical activity | Social prescribing

Healthy Habits tips and tools to manage sedentary behaviours in patients webinar

General population

In this recorded webinar the latest evidence and guidance to help sedentary patients implement positive lifestyle changes and reduce associated health risks is shared.

Location: National

Provider: The Royal Australian College of General Practitioners

Topics: Cardiovascular disease | Healthy Habits resources | Motivational interviewing | Physical activity | Social prescribing