A PHN assists new practice owners through the recruitment of a practice nurse, and providing software installation and training to all practice staff
How a general practice provides holistic and culturally aware care to their local Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community
Improving health outcomes and health literacy for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander patients
Using the Red book lifecycle chart during routine check-ups to improve shared decision making
How a general practice tailored health interventions according to the unique needs of the practice population
How PHNs can assist individual practices to better understand their practice population
A simple message that can be used to improve patient health literacy and help prevent childhood obesity
How a practice maximised their patient database to provide improved healthcare to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders with chronic comorbidities
A whole of practice approach to continuous quality improvement of data to improve patient health
A general practice assists overweight and obese patients by providing support and improving health literacy
A practice runs positive support groups to improve the mental and physical health of patients
How to use motivational interviewing to help change patients behaviour
A large practice hires a facilitator to improve screening and prevention processes in practice
A general practice ensures the completion of GP management plans for patients with coronary artery disease
A general practice undertakes a conjoint approach with Quitline to assist smokers to quit
A coordinated, team approach to care for an elderly patient with multiple comorbidities
Sending a template letter to 49 year old patients to encourage bowel screening at age 50
Resolving practice data mismatch between patients with colonoscopy as coded diagnosis, versus patients with recalls
A general practice uses their data to contact patients eligible for the free shingles vaccine
A general practice improves the recording of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander status
A GP uses modelling behaviour to encourage patients to exercise