13 December 2024

Investing in affordable GP care for all Australians critical to reduce disease, save lives: RACGP

The Royal Australian College of GPs is sending a powerful message to politicians after the release of the 2024 Australian Burden of Disease Study – investing in affordable specialist GP care for all Australians is critical to reduce disease and save lives. 

The study, released by the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (AIHW) yesterday, shows the years of healthy life lost due to injury and illness – this year Australians collectively lost over 5.8 million years.  

RACGP President Dr Michael Wright said: “GPs are the first line of defence when it comes to preventing illness and helping people manage the top risk factors for disease and injury such as smoking, poor diet, alcohol use and physical inactivity. 

"The 2024 Australian Burden of Disease Study highlights why governments should invest more to ensure all Australians can access affordable GP care – Australia lost over 5.8 million years of healthy life to injury and illness that could have been reduced with better investment in general practice.  

“The study measured over 200 diseases and injuries, showing overweight, including obesity, overtook tobacco this year as the leading risk factor. 

“There is no substitute for the quality care you get from a specialist GP who knows you and your history. We know it improves health outcomes. That’s why it is critical specialist GP care is affordable and accessible for everyone across our country, when and where they need it.  

“While the Government’s decision to triple the bulk billing incentives has helped some patients, what is really needed is a boost to patients’ Medicare rebates. These rebates have not kept up with inflation, which means people are paying more out of pocket costs. 

"The government needs to increase patients’ Medicare rebates, including for longer consultations, which are crucial to help patients manage chronic conditions like obesity and improve their health, and can save lives.  

“More investment in prevention not only benefits our patients and communities, it also benefits our economy, with every $1 spent in the primary care system providing around $1.60 in healthcare system benefits. 

“The government funded RACGP Healthy Habits App is a great example of a preventive healthcare tool that helps GPs empower their patients to reduce their risk of disease with achievable lifestyle changes. But more is needed. That’s why we’re also calling for funding to support the RACGP’s Red Book, the preventive healthcare ‘bible’ for practitioners. 

 “With the right funding and investment in general practice, we can make sure Australians are not just living longer but are spending more of their years in good health.” 

Media enquiries

Journalists and media outlets seeking comment and information from the RACGP can contact John Ronan, Ally Francis and Stuart Winthrope via:

