The Australian General Practice Research Foundation offers a range of grants, awards and scholarships to support research and innovation in general practice. Whether you’re investigating new treatments, care models or health system innovations, our funding programs can provide the support and resources you need to drive evidence-based change. Thanks to the generous support of our partners and donors, we are proud to offer more than $800,000 in research funding annually.
All applications for Australian General Practice Research Foundation grants, awards and scholarships must be completed and submitted via SmartyGrants. Links to the application forms will be made available on this webpage shortly before the application period opens.
All applicants must meet specific eligibility criteria to apply for funding and to ensure they fully understand the terms, conditions and requirements of the funding program before applying. Please read the relevant Information for Applicants handbook together with the corresponding application form for these criteria and requirements.
Ethics approval is required for any research conducted with or about people, or their data or tissue. For information about research ethics requirements or to apply for an ethics review, click here.
Funding program
Applications open
Applications close
Information for Applicants handbook
Major and large grants (Expressions of Interest)
3 March
4 April
Coming soon
Large and major grants (Full application by invitation only)
12 May
20 June
General grants
Financial support awards
Conference awards
PhD top-up scholarships
Healthcare Systems & Sustainability Grant This grant focuses on systemic issues in the Australian healthcare system. ($250,000)
Health Services Research Grant This grant focuses on health services issues of relevance to general practice. ($120,000)
TGL Guidelines Research Grant This grant focuses on use and/or implementation of TGL guidelines in general practice ($100,000)
Multiple grants available Focus areas include diabetes management, Indigenous health, preventative care and more. ($10,000-$60,000)
Multiple awards available Financial support for travel and costs associated with undertaking research or education in general practice. ($1,000-$10,000)
Multiple awards available Recognising excellence in general practice research at the RACGP annual conference. ($350-$500)
2 x scholarships available Top-up scholarships to support GPs and GP registrars to undertake doctoral research. ($30,000/yr full-time equivalent)
As a condition of most of our funding programs, grantholders are required to submit milestone reports over the course of their research project or activities. The due dates for these reports are specified in the grant agreement and/or outcome notification letter. Please submit these reports via the SmartyGrants forms below.