RACGP Rural Generalist Fellowship Training Handbook

Supplementary material


Last revised: 04 Aug 2023


Academic post A 0.5 FTE research and medical education term undertaken as part of the AGPT program over 52 calendar weeks.
Accredited Australian or New Zealand hospital Either:
  • an Australian hospital accredited by a postgraduate medical council against the Australian Medical Council requirements, or
  • a New Zealand hospital accredited by a postgraduate medical council against the Medical Council of New Zealand requirements.
Additional rural skills training (ARST) A training term of 52 calendar weeks (FTE) in an accredited training post that provides the appropriate depth and breadth of experience necessary to meet the requirements of the particular ARST curriculum.
AHPRA medical registration Registration with the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA), which allows the registrant to practise medicine. Refer to the AHPRA website for more information.
Blended Placements Blended rural placements are specific to the registrar and must be approved by the Rural Censor before commencement.
Completion of training The formal end point of the program, as assessed by an exit interview and completion of training report.
Consolidation of skills CoS is defined as the period when the RG has completed their ARST training requirements and is supported in the practice of their additional rural skills to increase confidence towards independent practice.
Core emergency medicine training A mandatory component (minimum of 6 months) of the rural generalist training that is designed to strengthen rural general practice training by providing registrars with the skills and confidence to manage emergency situations in rural and remote environments.
Cultural mentor A local Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander health worker/practitioner, an Elder, or another respected member of the local Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community, and may be filled by more than one individual over the course of your training
Cultural safety Cultural safety is determined by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander individuals, families and communities. Culturally safe practice is the delivery of safe, accessible and responsive healthcare free of racism through a health practitioner’s ongoing critical reflection about knowledge, skills, attitudes, practising behaviours and power differentials.
Dual Fellowship Fellowship with both the RACGP and the Australian College of Rural and Remote Medicine (ACRRM).
Extended skills training A 26-calendar week (FTE) term that gives a registrar the opportunity to extend their skills in community general practice or pursue an area of interest relevant to general practice.
Extenuating and unforeseen circumstances A circumstance that is outside of the registrar’s control, can reasonably be considered to have been unforeseen, and can be shown to have a direct and significant impact on them. The RACGP considers extenuating and unforeseen circumstances on a case-by-case basis.
Fellowship Admittance to either:
  • Fellowship of the RACGP (FRACGP), or
  • FRACGP and Rural Generalist Fellowship (FRACGP-RG).
Financial RACGP member An RACGP member who has:
  • met the membership category requirements
  • had their complete membership application form accepted
  • paid their current membership fee in full.
Flexible funding Australian Government funding to support training in MMM 6-7 and hard to fill locations.
Full-time equivalent (FTE) For the AGPT program, the RACGP determines FTE to mean 38 hours per week spent in training, which includes all practice time, and education and training program activities.
General practice training terms In the AGPT program, referred to as GPT1, GPT2 and GPT3. The extended skills term is sometimes referred to as GPT4.
Local team RACGP staff with local knowledge and relationships who support registrars from the time they enter the AGPT program through to Fellowship. The team includes a training coordinator, medical educator, cultural mentor and an administrator.
Maintenance of skills Maintenance of Skills is defined as the continuing practice of additional rural skills as part of rural generalist practice where registrars have completed an ARST.
Member A Fellow, Member, Associate, GP in training, Affiliate, Honorary Fellow or Honorary Member of the RACGP. Refer to the RACGP Constitution for more information.
Modified Monash Model The Modified Monash Model (MMM) defines whether a location is a city, rural, remote or very remote. MMM 1 is a major city and MMM 7 is very remote. Overseas doctors (international medical graduates and foreign graduates of an accredited medical school) who are subject to section 19AB of the Health Insurance Act 1973 (Cwlth) must train on the rural pathway in MMM 2–7 areas. More information on MMM areas can be found on the Department of Health and Aged Care website.
National Consistent Payments Framework From Semester one 2023, the National Consistent Payments (NCP) framework will provide support payments to supervisors, practices and registrars on the Australian General Practice Training (AGPT) program.
National team RACGP staff with oversight of the overall AGPT program, providing high-level educational leadership. They may provide guidance and decision-making in particular circumstances, such as educational support and remediation, application for extended leave and managing critical incidents.
Program team The training coordinator,medical educator or regional rural training team assigned to a registrar.
Program time The length of time required to complete the AGPT.
Provider number A Medicare provider number is given to eligible health professionals who are recognised for Medicare services, and allows them to claim, bill, refer or request Medicare services, A registrar must apply for a unique provider number prior to starting in a general practice placement.
RACGP Rural Generalist Fellowship The award of Rural Generalist Fellowship (FRACGP-RG).
Regional team The team that manages a training region and provides support to the local team with specialised resources and expertise. Includes a registrar liaison officer and cultural educator. They may be involved in accreditation of training sites and educational workshops.
Registrar A medical practitioner enrolled in the AGPT, FSP or RVTS program.
Remote supervision A flexible model of supervision available upon application when no accredited supervisor is available.
Safety The condition of being protected from or unlikely to cause danger, risk or injury. Educational safety is defined as a learning environment that values support, respectful communication, bidirectional feedback, reflection and the acquisition of new skills. It meets the learner’s current level of competency and learning needs and facilitates growth and learning.
Second ARST After completion of a ARST, a second ARST may be considered within the training period upon approval from the RACGP Rural Censor.
Supervisor An accredited GP who works in an accredited training practice and takes responsibility for the education and training needs of the registrar while in the practice.
Training region An area in which the RACGP delivers general practice training.
Training site A health service accredited by the RACGP where the registrar may undertake their general practice training.
Training post A health service, clinic or hospital accredited by the RACGP where the registrar may undertake their ARST or core EMT training.
Training stream Subdivisions of the AGPT program: the general stream and the rural stream.
Wellbeing The state of being comfortable, healthy or happy. Educational wellbeing is ensured when the registrar feels engaged, safe and supported in the learning environment.
Workplace-based assessments Observation and assessment of a registrar’s practice to track progression through training. Types of assessment include:
  • early assessment for safety and learning (EASL)
  • clinical case analysis
  • multi-source feedback
  • mini-clinical evaluation exercise
  • clinical audit
  • external clinical teaching visit
  • mid and end-term appraisals.
