RACGP Rural Generalist Fellowship Training Handbook

Rural generalist training placements

State-specific information

Last revised: 04 Aug 2023

New South Wales

The New South Wales RGCU is the Health Education and Training Institute (HETI). HETI works closely with local health districts, speciality health networks and public health organisations to support health professionals in their training.

HETI’s NSW Rural Generalist Medical Training Program provides a coordinated training pathway to rural generalism in NSW. HETI provides a foundation year program to support training towards becoming a rural generalism, and will also assist those not in the program.

HETI can help to identify available placements for ARSTs in the following disciplines:

  • Anaesthesia
  • Child health
  • Emergency medicine
  • Mental health
  • Obstetrics
  • Palliative care

Availability for ARSTs are made available from late July each calendar year for commencement the following clinical year.

You can speak to your training coordinator to liaise with HETI or contact HETI directly at HETI-RuralGeneralist@health.nsw.gov.au.

Northern Territory

The Northern Territory (NT) RGCU is within NT Health. It is working together with local and national stakeholders to establish the Northern Territory Rural Generalist pathway, to develop strong links between hospitals, primary care networks, Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisations and training providers.  

You can speak to your program team to liaise with the RGCU about your training.


The Queensland (QLD) RGCU is Queensland Rural Generalist Pathway (QRGP), and they can help to identify available placements for ARSTs in the following disciplines:

  • Adult internal medicine
  • Anaesthesia
  • Child health
  • Mental health
  • Obstetrics

Availability in these ARSTs opens in April/May each year for commencement the following year.

ARSTs in emergency medicine, surgery and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health are coordinated via Queensland Health’s Resident Medical Officer Campaign. Applications open in June for commencement the following year.

You can find information on the disciplines and locations of placements, key dates, processes and applications on the QRGP website.

Your training coordinator will be able to assist you in liaising with QRGP to apply for your ARST placement.

South Australia

The South Australian (SA) RGCU is Rural Generalist Program South Australia (RGPSA). The RGPSA provides advice to medical graduates and general practice registrars with an interest in rural generalism. They also provide ongoing support to rural-based registrars to encourage retention of GPs in rural areas.

RGPSA can help to identify available placements in all ARST disciplines. Eligibility, key dates and application processes can all be found on their website.

You can speak to your program team to liaise with RGPSA about your training.


The Tasmanian (TAS) RGCU is the Tasmanian Rural Generalist Pathway (TRGP). The TRGP works with local and national stakeholders to develop strong links between hospitals, primary care networks, health organisations and training providers.

You can speak to your program team to liaise with TRGP about your training, or email tasrural.pathways@health.tas.gov.au.


The Victorian (VIC) RGCU is Victorian Rural Generalist Program (VRGP). VRGP supports a state-wide end-to-end training program for the rural generalist workforce to train, work and live in rural and regional Victoria. VRGP can assist with finding placements for ARSTs in the following disciplines:

  • Anaesthesia
  • Emergency medicine
  • Mental health
  • Obstetrics
  • Palliative care
  • Paediatrics

Matching rural generalist trainees to VRGP Rural Generalist Advanced (RGA) positions is undertaken by the Postgraduate Medical Council of Victoria (PMCV). This process takes place around July. Key dates for applications and RGA matching can be found on the PMCV website.

You can find additional information on the process of matching and determine your priority group for matching in the VRGP RGA Skills Program Guidelines.

VRGP also offers the Rural Generalist Consolidation (RGC) program, which enables rural medical practitioners who have completed a procedural ARST with opportunities to maintain, refresh or update their additional skills and transition to becoming independent rural generalists. This program was previously known as Consolidation of Skills (CoS). Eligibility and guidelines can be found on their website.

You can speak to your program team to liaise with VRGP and PMCV about your training.

Western Australia

The Western Australian (WA) RGCU is the Rural Generalist Pathway Western Australia (RGPWA). RGPWA works closely with local and national stakeholders and helps facilitate the transition for rural generalist trainees through the various education and training components. The RGPWA also partners with existing organisations to enhance the professional experience in regional, rural and remote location.

You can find out more about the eligibility requirement for joining the RGPWA and apply via an application form. You can find out about the additional rural skills training opportunities available through the RGPWA.
You can speak to your program team to liaise with RGPWA about your training.
