Progressive assessment and workplace-based assessment program guide

WBA tools

Multi-source feedback

Last revised: 19 Jan 2023

Multi-source feedback

Multisource feedback (MSF) is well recognised as a valid and reliable method of assessing interpersonal skills, professional behaviour, and clinical skills. The MSF is often referred to as a 360-degree assessment. A questionnaire about observable behaviours is given to both patients and colleagues. Self-evaluation is also included.
The MSF Interpersonal Skills Questionnaire (patient survey) is used to collect data from at least 30 patients post-consultation about the registrar’s behaviours, such as listening skills, clarity of explanations, respect for the patient and involving the patient in decision making, as well as the patient’s confidence in the registrar’s ability.

A colleague feedback evaluation tool (CFET) focuses on the registrar’s professionalism and workplace behaviours. Perceptions are collected from at least twelve colleagues about areas such as working relationships, competence, and professional development.

Results are presented in a report that displays the registrar’s self-assessed competency against their benchmarked score across a range of routine performance competencies. The registrar will be required to reflect on the details of the feedback report with their medical educator to identify areas of strength and weakness. Studies have shown that MSF is a good predictor of the need for assistance in non-clinical domains of practice, highlighting areas on which to focus learning.
