RACGP Rural Generalist Fellowship Training Handbook

Enrolment Process for the Rural Generalist Fellowship

Preparing for Enrolment

Last revised: 04 Aug 2023

Enrolment preparation

Below are some links that will guide you through information about the pathway to Fellowship and can assist you before enrolling into general practice training. The information provided is around topics such as eligibility, the Rural Generalist Fellowship and more.
Becoming a GP – Pathway to Fellowship  
Eligibility FAQs
Rural Generalist Fellowship  
RACGP Rural Generalist Fellowship FAQs  

How to enrol into rural generalist training

For Registrars

Applying as an Australian General Practice Training (AGPT) program registrar

To apply for rural generalist training, you can find more information here and in the AGPT Application Handbook which includes information on the application process and eligibility.
When you apply for the AGPT program, you can apply to join the Rural Generalist Fellowship in addition to your intent to train on either the general or rural streams. You may also opt into the Rural Generalist Fellowship at any time during your training by speaking with your rural program team.
If you are already training towards the FRACGP and would like to opt into the Rural Generalist Fellowship, you can apply here application form  and your RACGP rural training team will be in contact with you.

Applying as a Remote Vocational Training Scheme Registrar

To apply as a Remote Vocational Training Scheme (RVTS) registrar, you can find more information on eligibility and the application process.

You will need to complete this application form and advise your RVTS training team of your intent to complete the Rural Generalist Fellowship training.

As an RVTS registrar, you will be supported by RVTS in your general practice and rural generalist training. The RACGP rural generalist team will support your enrolment into rural generalist training. You will be able to liaise with RVTS and your local rural generalist coordination unit to assist with finding suitable placements.

The RACGP rural training team will be in contact with you to discuss your application.

Applying as a Fellowship Support Program (FSP) registrar

To apply for the Fellowship Support Program (FSP), you can find more information here on the eligibility and requirements, and you can express your interest in the program.

You will need to complete this application form and advise your FSP training team of your intent to complete the Rural Generalist Fellowship training.

The RACGP rural training team will be in contact with you to discuss your application.

For practising GPs

Applying for Rural Generalist Fellowship as a practising GP

To apply for the RG Fellowship as a practising GP and a Fellow of the RACGP (FRACGP), you will need to complete this application form and liaise with the RACGP rural training team to complete the RG Fellowship.

You may also be eligible to apply for recognition of prior learning and experience (RPLE).

If you already hold the Fellowship in Advanced Rural General Practice (FARGP) and/or the Fellowship of Australian College of Rural and Remote Medicine (FACRRM), you can apply to transition to the Rural Generalist Fellowship until June 2024, via this application form.
The RACGP rural training team will be in contact with you to discuss your application.

Applying for Rural Generalist Fellowship as a current FARGP trainee

If you are currently enrolled in the FARGP and would like to transition to the Rural Generalist Fellowship, you can do so at no additional cost until June 2024. You can complete this application form and the RACGP rural generalist team will be in contact with you to discuss your application.

From July 2024 onwards, if you choose to transition from FARGP to the Rural Generalist Fellowship, you may be required to complete additional training, and administration fees will apply.
