AGPT registrar training handbook

Training transfers

Transfer between training streams

      1. Transfer between training streams

Last revised: 16 Feb 2024

Transfer between training streams

We take into account both your needs and workforce needs when considering your application for transfer between streams.

General to rural stream

If you wish to train in an MMM 2–7 location, you don’t need to apply for a transfer.

If you’re interested in completing rural generalist training, speak to your training coordinator about how this may impact your training.

Rural to general stream

If you accepted a training position with the rural stream, you’re expected to complete all your training in MMM 2–7 locations.

If it’s not possible to undertake your extended skills term, core emergency medicine training or additional rural skills training in those areas, you can apply to temporarily train in an MMM 1 location. If approved, you don’t need to apply for a transfer from the rural to the general stream.

You may apply for a permanent transfer from the rural stream to the general stream in any of the following circumstances:

  • you have a career and/or education and training need that can’t be met in your current training region
  • you, or a significant family relation, have extenuating and unforeseen circumstances
  • you, or a significant family relation, have an unforeseen medical condition that can’t be adequately or safely managed in the rural location where you’re currently based.

If we identify a need to transfer

During the placement process, if we’re unable to match you to an appropriate training site in your training stream, or if you have a career and/or education and training need that can’t be met in your training stream, your training coordinator will manage an application for transfer on your behalf.

Transfers in extenuating and unforeseen circumstances

If you, or a significant family relation, are affected by extenuating and unforeseen circumstances or have an unforeseen medical condition that can’t be adequately or safely managed in the rural location where you’re currently based, talk to your training coordinator about applying for a transfer. They’ll advise you of the process and the documents you’ll need to provide in your application.

Section 19AB exemption to enable transfer

If you’re an overseas trained doctor or foreign graduate of an accredited medical school, while you’re on the AGPT program you’re automatically granted a section 19AB class exemption from the Health Insurance Act 1973 (Cwlth) allowing you to work in any MMM 2–7 area regardless of your practice’s Distribution Priority Area status.

However, if you wish to transfer from the rural to the general stream, you must apply to the RACGP for transfer that allows you to work in an MMM 1 location.
