AGPT practice and supervisor handbook

Overview of the AGPT program

Hospital training

Last revised: 18 Dec 2024

Hospital training

To be eligible to start general practice terms, registrars must have successfully completed at least two years of hospital terms in accredited Australian or New Zealand hospitals as a foundation for general practice training and to develop an understanding of the integration of primary and secondary care. 

For registrars in the 2025 AGPT program and earlier cohorts this includes mandatory hospital rotations (medicine, surgery, emergency medicine and paediatrics) in the five years prior.  For registrars in the 2026 AGPT program or later cohorts that includes Australian Medical Council Postgraduate Year 2 certification (or equivalent experience as per the AGPT Registrar Handbook: Assessment of readiness for general practice) as well as satisfactory demonstration of paediatric competency in the five years prior.
Some registrars may apply for recognition of prior learning and experience (RPLE) for hospital time previously completed and start their AGPT program in general practice. Without RPLE a registrar starts their training in hospital.
