AGPT practice and supervisor handbook

For supervisors

Develop a teaching plan

Last revised: 18 Dec 2024

Develop a teaching plan

The registrar’s designated supervisor is responsible for ensuring the registrar receives their mandated teaching time, whether from them or another member of the supervisory team.

The mandated teaching time for each level of registrar is:

  • GPT1 – minimum 3 hours (FTE) per week of which one hour must be scheduled and uninterrupted formal in-practice teaching.
  • GPT2 – minimum 1.5 hours (FTE) per week of which one hour per fortnight must be scheduled and uninterrupted formal in-practice teaching.
  • GPT3 – minimum 30 minutes per week of scheduled and uninterrupted formal in-practice teaching.

For part-time registrars, the expected teaching times will be reduced pro rata according to their training time. In part-time GPT1 placements, the one hour scheduled and uninterrupted teaching time should be preserved, even though the expected minimum three hours of teaching will be reduced.

In addition to the scheduled uninterrupted teaching, activities that make up the balance of the mandated teaching time for GPT1 and GPT2 registrars may include:

  • orientation to the practice
  • opportunistic and planned case discussions during and at the end of the day
  • group teaching sessions with other registrars and students
  • procedural skills education
  • cultural education
  • provision of feedback
  • completion of assessments
  • evaluation of teaching.

Most of the scheduled sessions should be one-on-one teaching that addresses your registrar's individual learning needs, for example, observation of consultations, review of medical records, feedback, workplace-based assessment and critical incident review.

Teaching sessions should ideally be scheduled in the first hour of a consulting session or before consulting starts in the morning. Scheduling teaching sessions at lunchtime or at the end of the day should be avoided as these times are prone to interruptions or participants running late.

Not all scheduled teaching sessions need to be delivered by the designated supervisor. For example, a registrar with learning needs in the initial management of diabetes might sit in with a diabetes educator for an initial consultation with a patient recently diagnosed with diabetes.

How each training site coordinates the provision of teaching will reflect the number and type of learners and educators at the site. In larger practices, it is particularly useful to have a calendar of scheduled teaching activities – a teaching plan – that is used to record delivered education, required assessment activities, and activities planned to address an identified learning need.
