AGPT practice and supervisor handbook

For practices

Out-of-practice time requirements

Last revised: 27 Mar 2024

Out-of-practice time requirements

Registrars must complete at least 125 hours of out-of-practice education. These will be delivered as a mix of workshops and small peer learning sessions which will be determined in each region based on the demographics, geography and learning needs of registrars.

Out of practice education hours are part of a registrars' total work hours, therefore registrars will need to be released from practice to attend education activities.

We encourage all registrars to complete their out-of-practice education in a full-time capacity. Where this isn’t possible, the program team will provide you with information on the specific hours for the registrar.

Table 1. Minimum out-of-practice education hours

Training semester/term

Minimum out-of-practice education hours

January/February – June/July (GPT1 or 2)

54 hours

July/August – December/January (GPT1 or 2)

48 hours


24 hours
