Awards of the Board terms of reference

Awards of the Board Terms of Reference

1.1 Policy number: CO-O-035.6 

1.2 Category: Governance

1.3 Approval date: 9 June 2024

1.4 Revision due date: 2 years

1.5 Unit responsible Board of Directors


The purpose of this policy is to define the Terms of Reference (ToR) for the Awards Committee of the Board. This  ToR sets out the scope of operations for the Awards Committee of the Board, and the rules and administrative procedures relating to the nomination and awards process for College awards.

2. Application

This policy is to be read in conjunction with the Conflicts of Interests and Related Party Transactions Policy.

This policy does not apply to:

  • National Faculty Awards
  • Any awards administered by State Faculties

3. Background

As a membership-based organisation, the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners is committed to ensuring the provision of the highest standard of primary health care in the community. Accordingly, the College chooses to recognise the various achievements of its members in fulfilling the aims of the College through the annual awards process.

The Awards Committee of the Board was established by the Board to develop and monitor the key selection criteria for College awards, to review all nominations and submit recommended award recipients for decision by the Board.

The scope of activities of the Committee includes:

(a) defining and modifying the selection criteria for all College awards, as directed by the Board;

(b) administration of the annual awards process for all College awards; and,

(c) recommendation of award recipients for decision by the Board.

The Board is responsible for the content, development and review of these Terms of Reference.

3.1 Objectives

The objectives of the Awards Committee are:

(a) To recognise individual and practice-based achievements, and their contribution in furthering the aims of the College

(b) To administer the nomination and awards process for College awards on behalf of the Board

(c) To promote both professional and community awareness of primary health care issues through acknowledging the work of College members in the field of general practice.

3.2 Aims

The Awards Committee administers the nomination and review process for the following College awards:

  • The Rose-Hunt Award
  • Life Fellowship
  • Honorary Fellowship
  • Honorary Membership
  • General Practitioner of the Year
  • General Practice Supervisor of the Year
  • General Practice GP in Training of the Year
  • Practice of the Year
  • Corlis Medical Educator Award
  • RACGP Future Leaders President’s Medal
  • Prof Charlotte Hespe Research Award
  • Dr Jeremy Bunker Award for outstanding achievement in General Practice Training
  • The Aunty Val Dahlstrom Award for Aboriginal Health Excellence
  • Any other awards instituted by the Board and referred to the Awards Committee.

4. Governance

4.1 Duties and Responsibilities

The Awards Committee:

  • is responsible for ensuring that those nominated for receipt of College awards satisfy the nomination criteria;
  • has a duty to ensure that recommendations made to the Board relating to College awards conform to the rules for those awards;
  • must adhere to the nomination procedures for College awards as set out in section 5; and
  • must not make public comments disclosing any Confidential Information, especially in regard to the awards, the outcomes and decisions or deliberations of the Committee.

4.2 Powers

The Awards Committee has the power to make recommendations to the Board on the recipients of College awards.

4.3 Composition and size

The membership of the Committee comprises:

(a) Chair of the Board
(b) President
(c) Censor in Chief
(d) One Provost of the College who has been appointed the representative from within the Provost Committee.

4.4 Tenure and method of appointment

All members shall serve on the Committee in their respective capacity until such time as their term of tenure on the Board has ceased, or for a period of one year in the case of the Provost.

4.5 Meetings

The Awards Committee of the Board will meet at least annually via teleconference or video conference and shall be attended by the Chief Executive Officer or delegate and the Awards Secretariat.

4.6 Quorum

A quorum for a Committee meeting consists of three members.

4.7 Chair

The Chair of the Board acts as the Chair of the Awards Committee.  In the Chair’s absence, Committee members will appoint an acting chair for the meeting by majority vote.

4.8 Accountability

The Awards Committee is accountable to the Board for compliance with  the rules and nomination criteria relating to College awards. The committee secretariat will record the proceedings of meetings in minutes.

4.9 Recommendations for Awards

The Awards Committee will make its final report to the Board, containing recommendations in sufficient time for the Awards to be presented at the RACGP’s annual clinical conference.

4.10 Conflicts of Interest

Any member of the Committee who has a conflict of interest must notify the Chair upon becoming aware of that conflict. All conflicts must be handled in accordance with the Conflicts of Interest and Related Party Transactions Policy..

Committee members should consider carefully how to manage conflicts where a Committee member may be making a decision affecting and any conflicted Committee member is required to be absent from discussion, abstain from outside discussion and voting in respect to any instances where they; a family member; a GP in training under their supervision or employed in their practice; or a practice in which they work or hold a financial interest are recommended as an award recipient.

5. Awards

All awards are awarded at the discretion of the Board. The Board is under no obligation to make any award at any time and the Board is not obligated to accept any Committee recommendation.

All criteria for making awards and all rules and processes for nominations are determined by the Board.

The rules and procedures for the making of nominations for an award will be included on the College web site. All information provided by nominators must be clearly written or inserted electronically on the nomination form available on the College web site. It is highly recommended that nominators not discuss their nomination with the intended nominee. Please refer to section 6 for more detailed information regarding nominations.

The College may provide guidance upon request to those who wish to make nominations. Visit the web site for nomination form and instructions: or
Phone: 1800 472 247 or

5.1 The Rose-Hunt Award

The Rose-Hunt Award is the highest accolade awarded by the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners (RACGP). The award is a gift from the Royal College of General Practitioners to the RACGP commemorating the founding members of the Royal College of General Practitioners, Fraser Rose and Lord Hunt.

The Royal College of General Practitioners, through its President, Dr G.I. Watson, on 5 October 1972, presented twelve silver medals to the Australian College commemorating two of its founding members, Lord Hunt of Fawley (the first Honorary Secretary) and Dr Fraser Rose. Designated the Rose-Hunt Award, it is to be awarded to a person who has rendered outstanding service in the promotion of the aims and objectives of the College.

The first award was made in October 1974 to Dr W.A. Connolly, a founding father of the RACGP.

5.1.1 The Rose-Hunt Award is in the form of a medal presented by the President during the College’s annual clinical conference.

5.1.2 The Rose-Hunt Award is made to one person, who is an existing Fellow or Member of the College who, in the opinion of the Board, has/have rendered outstanding service in the promotion of the objects of the College, either by individual patient care, organisation, education, research or any other means.  Outstanding service may be over a period of ten years or a substantial and significant contribution to general practice over a shorter period.

5.1.3 The Rose-Hunt Award must not be made to current employees of the RACGP except under exceptional circumstances.

5.1.4 Only one Rose-Hunt Award will be made each year. The Rose-Hunt Award will only be awarded if there is one outstanding individual candidate for the award.

5.1.5 Nominations for the Rose-Hunt Award may be made by any two Fellows of the College.

5.1.6 All nominations must be accompanied by a current curriculum vitae of the nominee, together with descriptive evidence of his or her worthiness for the award.

5.1.7 The recommendation to the Board regarding the Rose-Hunt Award will be made by ballot of the Awards Committee, whether that would be a recommendation to make the award to a particular person, or a recommendation not to make an award for that year.

5.1.8 The decision by the Board for the award of the Rose-Hunt Award, or the decision by the Board not to make an award for that year, will be at the discretion of the Board.

5.1.9 In the event of only one nomination for the Rose-Hunt Award being received in any one year, both the Awards Committee and the Board must have the opportunity of deciding by secret ballot that no award will be made in that year.

5.1.10 No announcement of the Rose-Hunt Award other than confidential advice from the President to the recipient shall be made prior to the presentation of the award.

5.1.11 Recipients of the Rose-Hunt Award may wear the medal as a pendant at official RACGP functions where the College academic gown may be worn.

5.2 Life Fellowship

5.2.1 Life Fellowship is awarded to an existing Fellow of the RACGP in recognition of outstanding and meritorious service to the College. Life Fellowship is limited to twenty-five Fellows at any one time, and no more than three Fellows may be elected to Life Fellowship in one calendar year.

5.2.2 Honorary Fellows who are not otherwise Fellows of the RACGP are not eligible for Life Fellowship.

5.2.3 The terms of the award are that Life Fellows:

(a) are not required to pay the annual College subscription fee;
(b) are entitled to wear academic dress as prescribed for Life Fellows; and,
(c) may receive all general notices sent out by the College, and have the right to attend any General Meeting of the College;

5.2.4 Nominations for Life Fellowship may be made by any two members of the College of whom at least one must be a Fellow.

5.3 Honorary Fellowship and Honorary Membership

The terms of the awards of Honorary Fellowship and Honorary Membership are that:

(a) The Awards Committee may recommend any person as suitable for Honorary Fellowship or Honorary Membership
(b) The Board may, by resolution, admit any person recommended by the Awards Committee to Honorary Fellowship or Honorary Membership
(c) An Honorary Fellow or an Honorary Member shall be entitled to wear the academic dress prescribed for Fellows or Members respectively, to receive all general notices sent out by the College, and to attend any general meetings of the College
(d) An Honorary Fellow or Honorary Member of the College is not entitled to vote in any postal ballot or at any general meeting (unless they already hold office in the College, in which case they retain those rights until such time as their term of office expires)
(e) An Honorary Fellow or Honorary Member of the College is not entitled to hold any office in the College (unless they already had rights to hold office in the College under a separate category of membership, in which case they retain those rights to hold office)
(f) An Honorary Fellow or Honorary Member shall not be required to pay an entrance fee or subscription to the College.

5.3.1 Honorary Fellowship Honorary Fellowships may be awarded to College Members, members of other colleges or Institutions. In very special or unusual circumstances non-medical persons may be considered for eligibility. Nominations for Honorary Fellowship may be made by two Fellows of the College. The general criteria which should be followed when considering eligibility are exceptional and mertitorius service to general practice in the fields of education, research or administration. The award is conferred upon individuals whose accomplishments are of such excellence that they provide inspiration and leadership to Fellows of the RACGP and who bring honour and distinction to the RACGP. Members of other colleges or Institutions nominated for Honorary Fellowship must:

(a) Be a past or present holder of high office in his/her college or institution; or,
(b) Have made a contribution of international significance to general practice/family medicine; or,
(c) Made a significant contribution to The Royal Australian College of General Practitioners. Non-medical persons nominated for Honorary Fellowship must:

(a) Fulfil the criteria for Honorary Membership, with a recommendation from the Awards Committee to the Board for approval.

5.3.2 Honorary Membership

Honorary Membership may be awarded to persons who do not hold a registrable medical qualification and who have given long and meritorious service to T the RACGP, or long and meritorious service to general practice. Nominations for Honorary Membership may be made by any two members of the College of whom at least one must be a Fellow.

5.4 General Practitioner of the Year Award

5.4.1 The General Practitioner of the Year may be nominated by any two persons.

5.4.2 This award will be judged on the following criteria:

(a) understanding and commitment to general practice
(b) service to the public; and,
(c) involvement in training and continuing professional development.

5.4.3 Nominations will only be accepted for this award where the relevant general practice that the nominee is employed is a current accredited general practice and evidence of current accreditation is provided.

5.4.4 A winner will be chosen from each state by the relevant State Faculty Councils, and one National winner will be chosen from amongst the State finalists by the Board.

5.4.5 The winner of the General Practitioner of the Year Award will be profiled in a College publication.

5.4.6 General practitioners, who have won a “RACGP General Practitioner of the Year” Award in the past, cannot be considered for this award again until a period of 5 years has elapsed.

5.4.7 A Nominator cannot nominate more than one nominee in this award category.

5.4.8 Nominees for the Award category of “General Practitioner of the Year” must be current financial members of the College and hold current unconditional medical registration with the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency.

5.5 General Practice Supervisor of the Year Award

5.5.1 The General Practice Supervisor of the Year may be nominated by a:

(a) a member of the general practice profession;
(b) a member of a Recognised Training Program;
(c) General Practice Supervisors Australia (GPSA)
(d) Primary Healthcare Networks, or
(e) a surveyor from an accrediting body.

5.5.2 This award will be judged on the following criteria:

(a) Understanding and commitment to general practice and training/mentoring
(b) Performance as a general practitioner
(c) Role model as a trainer/mentor, and
(d) Involvement in delivery of registrar training e.g. organisation/administration

5.5.3 A winner will be chosen from each state by the relevant State Faculty Councils, and one National winner will be chosen from amongst the State finalists by the Board.

5.5.4 The winner of the General Practice Supervisor of the Year Award will be profiled in a College publication.

5.5.5 To be eligible for the General Practice Supervisor of the Year award, the nominee must be an Australian General Practice Training (AGPT), Fellowship Support Program (FSP) or RVTS accredited supervisor under the terms of the RACGP Standards for general practice training. RACGP Standards for GP Education and Training: Trainers and Training Posts, as current from time to time, or equivalent, and will therefore be a GP with responsibility for registrars in training in a clinical setting. The trainer takes responsibility for clinical education and placement management. This includes the role of a general practice supervisor and mentor.

5.5.6 Supervisors, who have won a “RACGP General Practice Supervisor of the Year” Award in the past, cannot be considered for this award again until a period of 5 years has elapsed.

5.5.7 A Nominator cannot nominate more than one nominee in this award category.

5.5.8 Nominees for the award category of “General Practice Supervisor of the Year” must be current financial members of the College and hold current unconditional medical registration with the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency.

5.5.9 Nominations will only be accepted for this award where the relevant general practice that the Supervisor is employed is a current accredited general practice through  an approved Australian accreditation agency and evidence of current accreditation is provided.

5.6 GP in Training of the Year Award (formerly General Practice GP in Training of the Year Award)

5.6.1 The GP in Training of the Year may be nominated by:

(a) general practice supervisors/trainers/mentors as defined in section 5.5.4; or,
(b) other general practitioners.

5.6.2 GPs in Training are eligible for nomination for the General Practice GP in Training of the Year Award if they are enrolled in a Recognised Training Program as at the date of the close of the award’s nomination period or if they completed a Recognised Training Program subsequent to the close of the nomination period in the previous year. The definition of a Recognised Training Program is provided within the RACGP Constitution.

5.6.3 Nominations will only be accepted for this award where the relevant general practice that the GP in Training is employed at is a current accredited general practice through  an approved Australian accreditation agency and evidence of current accreditation is provided.

5.6.4 A Nominator cannot nominate more than one nominee in this award category.

5.6.5 This award will be judged on the following criteria:

(a) commitment to general practice and to learning;
(b) satisfactory academic progress;
(c) service to patients, practice and education; and,
(d) services to the community.

5.6.6 A winner will be chosen from each state by the relevant State Faculty Councils, and one National winner will be chosen from amongst the state finalists by the Board.

5.6.7 The winner of the General Practice GP in Training of the Year Award will be profiled in a College publication.

5.6.8 Nominees for the Award category of “General Practice GP in Training of the Year” must be current members of the College and hold current unconditional medical registration with the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency.

5.7 General Practice of the Year Award

5.7.1 The General Practice of the Year Award is designed to recognise practices for their approach to patients’ health and wellbeing.

5.7.2 A winner will be chosen from each state by the relevant State Faculty Councils, and one National winner will be chosen from amongst the State finalists by the Board.

5.7.3 The Practice of the Year may be nominated by any two persons.

5.7.4 Nominations will only be accepted for this award where the relevant general practice is a current accredited general practice through an approved Australian accreditation agency  and evidence of current accreditation is provided

5.7.5 Nominations must provide a description of the following:

(a) the structure of the practice, including facilities for both patients and staff;
(b) the services provided to patients by the practice (e.g. patient education materials, health promotion, preventative care, reminder systems); etc.
(c) delivery of services to patients by practice staff;
(d) an outline of what differentiates the practice from other practices and makes it worthy, and
e) details of current involvement in general practice teaching.

5.7.6 The National winner will be profiled in a College publication.

5.7.7 Practices which have been awarded the “RACGP General Practice of the Year Award” in the past cannot be considered for this award again until a period of 5 years has elapsed.

5.7.8 A Nominator may not nominate more than one nominee in this award category.

5.7.9 All nominations received for this award by the Secretariat shall be submitted to the relevant RACGP State/Territory Faculty Chairs, who after making appropriate enquiries shall choose their respective State winner and advise the Awards Secretariat.

5.7.10 Nominees for the Award category of “General Practice of the Year” must have at least one current financial College member within their practice and must provide information (including their RACGP membership number) for that College member who will receive the award on behalf of their practice.

5.8 Corlis Medical Educator Award

The Corlis Medical Educator Award commemorates the contribution of the late Dr Wilson (Bill) Corlis to the RACGP’s standing as a leader in medical education.  This award recognises an RACGP member and/or Fellow who has contributed substantially to the education and mentoring of doctors who are on any of the RACGP pathways to Fellowship. Nominations can be made by any financial member of the RACGP.

5.9 RACGP Future Leaders President’s Medal

The criteria for this award is based on contribution to the profession and contribution to the RACGP. The Medal recognises an individual who is identified as someone who is making a contribution to the RACGP and most likely to continue to contribute to the leadership of the RACGP or as a leader in general practice into the future.  It takes into consideration leadership behaviours required in the profession as taught and evidenced through the RACGP’s Future Leaders Program. Judging will reference the various leadership domains within the framework of the RACGP’s Future Leaders Program, and recipients must be currently enrolled or a graduate of the program to be eligible for the award.

5.10 Prof Charlotte Hespe Research Award

The Prof Charlotte Hespe Research Award is presented to a registrar (academic or non-academic) who has conducted research or a project during training that is considered most outstanding. The registrar must be currently enrolled in a Recognised Training Program or have Fellowed in the 12 months prior to the closing date for award nominations.

In a 300-500 word statement, nominators should outline:

  • The relevance or importance of the research or project to general practice and/or general practice training.
  • Appropriateness of methods used for the research or project question.
  • Rigour in which the research or project was conducted, with consideration of the resources available.
  • Importance or relevance of results of the research or project to general practice and/or general practice training.

Winners of this award will receive a plaque and a $3000 cash prize.

5.11 Dr Jeremy Bunker Award for outstanding achievement in General Practice Training

The Dr Jeremy Bunker Award for Outstanding Achievement recognises outstanding achievement by an RACGP staff member, supervisor, registrar or former registrar who has completed training within the last three years. In 300-500 words, nominators should outline the overall public benefit to the nominee’s activity, considering originality, inventiveness and/or best practice. Winners of this award will receive a plaque and a $3000 cash prize.

5.12 The Aunty Val Dahlstrom Award for Aboriginal Health Excellence

The Aunty Val Dahlstrom Award for Aboriginal Health Excellence recognises excellence in Aboriginal health by an RACGP staff member, supervisor or registrar. In a 300–500-word statement, nominators should identify the overall achievement of the nominee relating to Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander health with respect to originality, innovation or best practice. Winners of this award will receive a plaque and a $3000 cash prize.

6. Nominations and Awards Procedures

6.1 A notice calling for nominations for College awards must be publicised through College communication channels to all members.

6.2 Information on the nomination process, selection criteria and all relevant nomination forms will be uploaded to the College website on the date the nomination period opens.

6.3 All nominations must be submitted in to the Committee. The content of all nominations is Confidential Information. Nominators must not discuss their nomination with the intended nominee/s. A separate nomination form must be completed for each nominee.

6.4 All nominations must be submitted to the Secretariat for the consideration of the Committee and the nominations received for the category of “General Practice of the Year” must be considered subject to section 5.7.10. All forms are to be marked ‘Private and confidential’.

6.5 Supporting documentation for the nomination must contain biographical details of the nominee and information appointments, membership of societies (and any office held), and a list of publications and any other information relevant to the nomination.

6.6 Each nomination requires the nominator to substantiate their recommendation with a clear demonstrable reason for the award. Any nomination which does not fulfil this requirement will be returned to the nominator for further documentation.

6.7 All nominations for National awards must be received by the Awards Secretariat by 5:00pm on the closing date, the date being subject to Committee and Board approval. Any nominations received after the specified date or received with incomplete documentation will not be considered.

6.8 All nominations received by the Awards Secretariat will be distributed to the relevant State Faculty to be considered by the State Faculty Council. Once the State Faculty Council has considered and discussed all nominations received, the State Faculty Committee will provide the Awards Secretariat with their final recommendation for State winners for consideration by the Awards of Board Committee for the National awards.

6.9 All nominations received by the Awards of Board Committee will be considered prior to its adjudicating meeting and initially scored separately by each Committee member out of session, using a standard scoring template to be provided by the Awards Secretariat. Scores will be provided by each Committee member to the Awards Secretariat who will collate the scores and provide a ranking of nominations for each award category. Once all scoring sheets have been completed and received by the Awards Secretariat, only then will the Committee meet together. At the ensuing meeting, only the three highest scoring nominees (shortlist) for each award will be considered and discussed and a final recommendation put forward for Board decision. For further information regarding Committee meetings please refer to section 4.5.

6.10 Following the Awards of Board Committee’s assessment of the shortlisted nominees and its selections, the names of the proposed recipients will be presented to the Board for decision. Approval by three quarters of Directors present and voting at the Board meeting must be received in order to approve any award recipient.

6.11  On conclusion of the Board meeting, the President will inform the chosen award recipients. A further letter of confirmation from the President will also be forwarded to the recipient within five (5) business days following the Board meeting.

6.12 Following the decision of the Board, the Secretariat will liaise with the organiser of the meeting or occasion where the award presentation will take place to make arrangements for the presentation ceremony.

6.13 One nominator may be required to provide a citation of 200 words to be read at the presentation of the award. The nominator may request another person or persons to write the citation on his or her behalf. These citations will be forwarded to the Awards Secretariat. Upon receipt of the citations, the Awards Secretariat will forward these to the person or persons responsible for organising the award ceremony.

6.14 The Awards Secretariat will record the name and date of the award for each award recipient and maintain an up to date list of all award recipients.

6.154 The Awards Secretariat will notify the College Media Department of the outcomes of the nominations process, after the recipients have been contacted, to issue a media release which will be subject to embargo and a statement to be included in the next available College communications immediately following the award presentation.

6.16 The Awards Secretariat will notify the College Publications Department to coordinate the profiles of the award recipients to be included in an appropriate College publication.

6.17 The Awards Secretariat will update the College website with the relevant information required for nominators and nominees prior to the nomination period opening, during the nomination period and immediately following the close of the nomination period. This update must include the inclusion of all award winners on the RACGP Virtual Honour Board available at:

6.18 The Awards Secretariat shall not provide the details of the nominators to award winners unless prior approval to do so is granted by the nominators.

6.19 These terms of reference will be publicly available on the College website and will undergo an annual review.

