RACGP's CPD solution for culturally safe practice

Recommended reading list

Last revised: 13 Jan 2025

RACGP’s CPD Solution for culturally safe practice

Recommended reading list

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Title Description
The Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Cultural and Health Training Framework This framework is key to embedding Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander values, ways of thinking and approaches to learning into RACGP education and training.
National guide to a preventive health assessment for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people
The National Guide is a practical resource intended for all health professionals delivering primary healthcare to Aboriginal and / or Torres Strait Islander people. Its purpose is to provide GPs and other health professionals with an accessible, user-friendly guide to best practice preventive healthcare for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander patients.
An introduction to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health cultural protocols and perspectives
This resource provides guidance on culturally appropriate communication and interactions with Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander patients.
Five steps towards excellent Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander healthcare
Ideal for group discussion or for individual reflection. These resources were developed to provide busy GPs and practice teams with practical advice on working towards the delivery of excellent Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander healthcare and include a guide, poster and summary sheet.
A practical resource to guide practitioners delivering 715 health checks. Ideal for group discussion or for individual reflection.
27% of those in prison are Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander. This document is a practical resource to help those providing care to people in prison, including implications for culturally safe care.
The Healing Foundation’s
Supporting the healing of Stolen Generations survivors, families and communities
Learn more about the healing process of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and ways to promote healing solutions that are culturally strong, developed and driven at the local level, and led by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.
BLA.C.K. Medicine podcast
BLA.C.K. Medicine is a health podcast for Indigenous peoples by Indigenous peoples, hosted by Dr Mikayla Couch. The C in BLA.C.K. stands for colonisation and its ongoing impact on Indigenous health. She interviews First Nations doctors and health care professionals to pick their brains on Indigenous health.
Australian Museum’s
Map of Colonial Frontier Massacres
This map shows documented massacres of the First Nations peoples across Australia, from the early years of the colony to within several decades of living memory.
Australian Journal of General Practice
Cultural Safety in a post-OSCE era
Assessments have many functions and should be continually reviewed to ensure that they require general practitioners (GPs) to demonstrate genuine cultural safety. The aim of this article is to highlight the complexities in assessing the cultural safety of GPs when consulting with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.

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