RACGP’s CPD solution for addressing health inequities

RACGP’s suite of CPD approved activities available on gplearning

Last revised: 18 Apr 2024

RACGP’s CPD Solution for addressing health inequities

RACGP’s suite of CPD approved activities available on gplearning

Upon completion of these activities, the RACGP will upload your CPD hours on your behalf.

Title Description CPD hours
Refugee health Refugee populations have complex and diverse healthcare needs. Learn how to approach refugee health assessment for the associated spectrum of common physical and mental health issues that may present and ways to support care access. 0.5 EA, 0.5 RP
Family Abuse and Violence Pathway This Learning Pathway is designed to equip you with the knowledge and skills to appropriately identify and respond to patients experiencing family abuse and violence. The pathway is comprised of ten modules that can be completed individually or in order.
  1. Introduction to family abuse and violence – The role of general practice
  2. Family abuse and violence – Trauma-informed care
  3. Intimate partner violence – Identification and initial response
  4. Intimate partner violence – Risk assessment and safety planning
  5. Intimate partner violence – Working with perpetrators
  6. Intimate partner violence – A focus on specific populations
  7. Dating violence and technology-facilitated abuse
  8. Child abuse and neglect
  9. Sibling abuse, adolescent-to-parent violence, and abuse of older people
  10. Family abuse and violence – GP support and self- care
6 EA, 5 RP
Consultation and communication with specific groups This module explores communication and consultation with children, young people, older patients and those from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds. 1 EA
AJGP’s clinical challenge, November 2023: Musculoskeletal This ‘musculoskeletal’ issue of the Australian Journal of General Practice explores a range of clinical topics pain
and sports related presentations and diabetic peripheral neuropathy.
5 EA, 5 RP
Check unit: 606, Men’s Health, October / November 2023 In this edition of check, experts provide cases that address issues and clinical presentations related to each of the five priority health issues identified in the National Men’s Health Strategy. 6 EA, 6 RP
Closing the gap: Addressing chronic kidney disease in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples End-stage kidney failure and chronic kidney disease prevalence is greatly increased for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. Discover ways to offer timely screening and preventive activities, detection and management for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander
0.5 EA, 5 RP

Practical ways to address alcohol and other use (Learning pathway)

Alcohol and other drug (AOD) use is a serious and complex problem in Australia. Many patients who visit their GP with a health concern may not be aware of the impact that their AOD use is having on their presenting health condition. GPs and patients can also feel uncomfortable talking about AOD use. As a result, GPs may hesitate to ask about AOD use and/or patients may not disclose the full extent of their AOD use for fear of being judged. The five modules in this learning pathway provide a comprehensive overview to addressing alcohol and other drug use behaviours in your patients.

Module 1: Essential skills in addressing alcohol and other drug use  1.5 EA, 0.5 RP

Module 2: Asking about and assessing alcohol and other drug use  O.5 EA, 0.5RP

Module 3: Supporting patients to change alcohol and other drug use behaviours and minimise harm EA, 0.5 RP

Module 4: Alcohol and other drug treatment planning and care coordination 0.5 EA, 0.5 RP

Module 5: General principles when supporting patients to withdraw from substances  0.5 EA,  0.5 RP

3.5 EA, 2.5 RP
Alcohol and other drugs: Supporting people in Contact with the criminal justice system This course is designed to build GP awareness, confidence and skills to meet the clinical healthcare needs of people who use alcohol and other drugs (AOD) and are in contact with the justice system. The content focuses on the post-release period using a range of viewpoints to explore the process of what happens when a GP takes over providing primary health services to a patient recently released from custody. 1 EA
Alcohol and other drugs: Supporting Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples Mental health and substance use are the biggest contributors to the overall burden of disease for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. Regardless of workplace location, GPs will likely see Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander patients and need to respect and incorporate Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander culture into their care. This eLearning course therefore provides practical steps for GPs to implement when caring for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander patients who use alcohol and drugs in a problematic manner. It also aims to help GPs deliver culturally safe care to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander patients. 1 EA
check,unit 609,Dementia,March 2024 This unit of check focuses on the initial assessment and diagnostic framework of mild cognitive impairment and dementia in primary care. 5 EA, 5 EA
Caring for patients in residential aged care facilities The care of older people is often complex. GPs are often required to collaborate with the patient’s broader multidisciplinary healthcare team in a way that focuses on the patient’s individual needs. There are also additional legal issues that need to be considered including capacity for consent, substitute decision making, advance care planning, voluntary assisted dying and abuse of older people. This eLearning module is designed to give GPs who work in RACFs an overview of safe and effective assessment and management strategies for patients in RACFs, as well as discuss some common legal issues that can arise when caring for patients in a RACF. 0.5 EA, 0.5 RP
Oral health in early childhood
This module will look at how to perform an oral examination and recognise signs of decay. It will also discuss how you can support parents and carers to monitor and address their children’s oral health and referral pathways for oral treatment when required.  
Endometriosis management - Mini Audit 2025 Research indicates that endometriosis affects one in nine Australian women, with an average delay in their diagnosis of seven to 12 years. Frequently the first point of contact for the presentation of pelvic pain, GPs play an important role in the multidisciplinary approach to managing endometriosis. 5 MO
This event attracts CPD points and can be self recorded

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