RACGP’s CPD solution for addressing health inequities

RACGP on-demand webinars

Last revised: 18 Apr 2024

RACGP’s CPD Solution for addressing health inequities

RACGP on-demand webinars

Log the time you spend viewing these on-demand webinars as Educational Activities (EA).

Use the RACGP’s Reviewing Performance or Measuring Outcomes Tools to record additional CPD where applicable.

A general practice approach to the struggling child in the vulnerable family Examine the incidence and nature of child maltreatment in Australia and, taking a child-centred approach, explore how GPs can support and strengthen vulnerable families.
The moments you spent with her matter: supporting women to have alcohol-free pregnancies GPs will develop a range of tools and strategies to have regular, best-practice conversations about alcohol with patients who are pregnant or trying to conceive, in line with current national guidelines.
Hepatitis C treatment and the role of the GP Discover what’s new in treatment of Hepatitis C and how to screen and support at- risk populations with patients who may be living unaware of their infection.
Understanding obesity and how bariatric metabolic surgery and adjunct therapies fit in Learn about the different clinical presentations for people living with obesity (the 3 Ms); explore a range of medical and surgical treatment options, and the potential benefits of combining therapies to effectively manage obesity.
Medicine safety in disability care Consider ways overcome the barriers people with disability face to safe medicine use such as accessing prescribers and information about medicine, inappropriately prescribed medicines, and medication management review.
Rural 30th anniversary education spotlight – Pain management Dr Matthew Bryant, an expert in pain medicine, takes you through the things he wishes he knew about pain management when he was working as a GP. He explores the pain problem, how its processed, why GP’s should bother in biopsychosocial and multidisciplinary management and the role of opioids.
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