Continuing professional development (CPD) Standards


Last revised: 19 Apr 2023




Activity design

The overall framework of a CPD activity that supports learning experiences.
This includes decisions about content, structure, pedagogical strategies, sequence of learning and assessment that best facilitate the achievement of learning outcomes.

Australian Medical Council

Australian Medical Council is an independent national standards body for Australian medical education and training.

Australian Resuscitation Council

The Australian Resuscitation Council is a voluntary organisation that acts as the peak body that represents all major groups involved in the teaching and practice of resuscitation in Australia. It is part of the Australian and New Zealand Committee on Resuscitation, which is the regional representative in the International Liaison
Committee on Resuscitation.

Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR)

The RACGP’s CPD Program’s only high-level requirements for the 2023-25 triennium. The content and assessment components of a CPR course must meet the Australian Resuscitation guidelines.


Continuing professional development. RACGP CPD describes the learning activities that GPs engage in to develop, maintain and enhance their professional skills.

CPD activity

A CPD activity that is undertaken to meet the CPD registration standard of the Medical Board of Australia (MBA). The MBA defines CPD activity types as educational activities (knowledge and skills), reviewing performance and measuring outcomes. RACGP CPD activities use the same categorisation.

CPD representative (formerly Education Activity Representative)

The nominated representative of the CPD provider who manages the administrative and operational requirements of RACGP CPD-approved activities and may also develop and design activities.

Culturally safe practice


The National Scheme's Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health and Cultural Safety Strategy 2020- 2025 provides the following definition:  

‘Cultural safety is determined by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander individuals, families and communities. Culturally safe practice is the ongoing critical reflection of health practitioner knowledge, skills, attitudes, practising behaviours and power differentials in delivering safe, accessible and responsive healthcare free of racism.’ Consistent with the Strategy 2020-2025, it is expected that CPD activities allow critical reflection to improve clinical practice in relation to:

• Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander approaches to health
• the continuing impact of colonisation, racism and bias on health outcomes on Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples
• rights-based approaches to improving health outcomes of and access to health services.

Educational expertise

Experience and skills in designing CPD activities and/or education and training.


The process of collecting and analysing data or information to measure the effectiveness of an activity in meeting its learning outcomes, and to identify opportunities for improvement.

Good medical practice

Good medical practice (the code) describes what is expected of all doctors registered to practise medicine in Australia. It sets out the principles that characterise good medical practice and makes explicit the standards of ethical and professional conduct expected of doctors by their professional peers and the community.


The systems and processes by which an organisation operates to ensure its overall structure, including that its employees function according to organisational goals and maintain accountability.


An Australian general practitioner.

Health inequities

Different access and outcomes for different groups of people may present differently depending on the specialty and location of a practitioner’s practice. Good medical practice recognises the role of the practitioner as a champion in the system and also the specialty responsibilities in securing equitable health experiences and outcomes for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander patients.

Learning outcome

What the GP will know or be able to do at the end of a CPD activity. The learning outcome should be derived from the needs assessment and inform the activity design.

Medical Board of Australia (MBA)

The Medical Board of Australia regulates the medical profession in Australia, including setting medical practitioner CPD requirements.

MBA Registration Standard: Continuing professional development (effective from 1 January 2023)

The registration standard set by the MBA regarding the minimum CPD requirements for medical practitioners.

National Health Priority Areas

The National Health Priority Areas initiative seeks to focus public attention and health policy on areas that contribute most to the burden of illness in the community, particularly if the burden can be significantly reduced.

Needs assessment

Summarises current and evidence-based data or information about the educational needs of GPs to guide the development of a CPD activity as relevant to Australian general practice and the MBA CPD regulatory requirements.


Outcomes-based standards focus on the outcome to be achieved rather than how it is achieved. The CPD Activity Standards include guidance through criteria, indicators and suggestions for supporting evidence.

Primary Health Networks

Independent Australian Government-funded organisation aimed to streamline health services. They assess the needs of their community and commission health services so that people in their region can get coordinated care where and when needed.

Professionalism and ethical practice

A GP’s social contract with the community, which involves trust between the GP and the patient, observing patient–doctor boundaries, commitment to scientific and clinical excellence, promotion of health, and interests of patients before other interests.


An organisation that meets the RACGP CPD Provider Standards and RACGP CPD Activity Standards and has a current CPD Provider Agreement with the RACGP CPD home for providing CPD approved activities for GPs.

Quality improvement (QI)

The systematic process of improving the quality of CPD activities through reviewing data or information, identifying opportunities for improvement, followed by implementation of any changes to achieve better outcomes.

RACGP Advertising and Sponsorship Policy

RACGP policy that determines the rules and procedures for which the RACGP will accept sponsorship of its products or events or advertising of third-party products.

RACGP CPD-approved activity

A CPD activity that meets the RACGP CPD Activity Standards.

RACGP CPD Activity Standards

The standards that provide the basis for the development, delivery and evaluation of high-quality general practice CPD activities that meet RACGP CPD requirements. Activities developed by CPD providers must meet the RACGP CPD Activity standards.


The RACGP CPD home supports GPs by coordinating CPD programs, ensuring quality activities and tracking hours to provide a framework to support safe practice. All Australian medical practitioners must be a member of a CPD home.


The continuing professional development program offered by the RACGP to GPs.

RACGP CPD Provider Handbook

The RACGP CPD Provider Handbook outlines the requirements and support available for RACGP CPD providers. It also includes information on RACGP CPD services and processes, for example about approving activities or becoming an RACGP CPD provider, RACGP Quality Assurance process and Sponsorship guide.

RACGP CPD Provider Standards

Detail the provider requirements for RACGP CPD approved activities for GPs.

RACGP CPD Sponsorship Guideline

Outlines sponsorship guidelines specific to the CPD Program and CPD approved activities.

RACGP CPD Standards

Provide the basis for setting and maintaining the quality of the CPD Program of the RACGP CPD home. There are two components of the RACGP CPD Standards:
CPD Activity Standards
CPD Provider Standards.

2022 RACGP curriculum and syllabus for Australian General Practice

The 2022 RACGP curriculum and syllabus for Australian general practice describes the key competencies and learning outcomes of GP education including CPD.

RACGP Educational Framework

The RACGP Educational Framework provides a conceptual representation of the RACGP’s approach to education across the learning continuum of the Australian GP. The interrelated components of RACGP education are the educational imperatives, guiding principles, guiding instruments and educational programs. The framework is intended to guide RACGP educational development and orient learners, educators and institutions.

Specialist GP

GPs who have passed the examinations and/or training program of an accredited general practice college, such as Fellowship of the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners (FRACGP) or are vocationally recognised and registered with the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (Ahpra). GPs being medical specialists is recognised under the Health Practitioner Regulation National Law Act 2009. The term ‘specialist GP’ is a protected title.


Refers to the risk associated with a learning activity where there may be a loss or gain. For example, an examination resulting in the award of a major qualification would be a high-stakes learning activity. High-stakes learning activities are often associated with assessment of competency and need to ensure a high level of rigour in terms of validity and reliability.
