Provider handbook

Appendix 1: RACGP CPD Standards


        1. Overview

Last revised: 01 Dec 2023


The RACGP CPD Activity Standards focus on ensuring a high quality of education is provided to RACGP members. Providers are required to offer high-quality education under the guidance of the RACGP, which measures and monitors the development and delivery of CPD activities.

These standards are broad and outcomes-focused to meet the requirements of the MBA types of CPD and to encourage innovation in how RACGP members can satisfy CPD requirements. There may be exceptions, for example, the requirement that CPD activities are mapped to the 2022 RACGP curriculum and syllabus for Australian general practice and the MBA types of CPD.

There are four main standards relating to: 

  1. the need for an activity and its relevance to general practice 
  2. the learning outcomes 
  3. the activity design 
  4. evaluation of an activity.

Each standard includes criteria and indicators to assist education providers. The indicators use the word ‘must’ to indicate what is mandatory, and ‘could’ to indicate what is optional though recommended. This will allow providers to be flexible in their approach to meeting the various types of activity requirements in ways that best suit their organisation’s resources and expertise.

Guidance is also provided for each standard for added context and to explain its importance to GPs’ CPD activity.

Links to policies and other documents have been included where relevant. 

CPD Activity Standards   

  1. CPD activities are based on identified needs relevant to Australian general practice.  
  2. CPD activity learning outcomes are informed by the needs assessment.
  3. CPD activities are designed to achieve the learning outcomes. 
  4. Evaluation informs quality improvement of the CPD activity. 
