About this Certificate

Page last updated 14 February 2025

Diagnose and manage common skin conditions

Certificate of Primary Care Dermatology is aimed at GPs and GPs in training, and will help you expand your skills in diagnosing and treating dermatological conditions in your practice. Increase your expertise and surety for patient treatment, as well as understanding and recognising the conditions that require urgent referral.

Biologics and Dermoscopy courses now available

This certificate consists of:

  • Twenty five online courses
  • Two day face to face dermatological surgery workshop
  • Three full days or 6 half days clinical experience

Successful completion of all online and face to face courses is required to attain the Certificate of Primary Care Dermatology.

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  • DermCert 4: Practical procedures in dermatology, must be completed prior to attending the dermatological surgery two day workshop
  • Participants must complete all 25 online courses and the dermatological surgery two day workshop, prior to undertaking the clinical experience
  • You can enrol in, and pay for, each course as you are ready to undertake them (and have completed any prerequisites). Alternatively, you can pay for all courses in advance (save $1125) and complete them at your pace over 3 years

Please see the Syllabus and fee schedule.

Learning outcomes

  • Develop knowledge and skills in general practice dermatology
  • Understand the spectrum of dermatology seen in general practice and determine appropriate management and referral options for patients
  • Recognise, investigate and manage dermatological conditions in general practice effectively
  • Understand the evidence based dermatological treatments available to general practitioners and their effects and side effects
  • Be safe and effective in treating dermatological conditions in general practice patients and understand and recognise the conditions that require urgent referral

CPD Program approval

  • 2 day dermatological surgery workshop has been approved by the RACGP CPD program for 5 educational activity hours and 9 reviewing performance hours in the 2023-2025 triennium.  Attendance is required on both days.
  • All the other courses are CPD activities with the number of hours varying depending on the length of each activity.
  • CPD hours will be allocated once all components of the course are completed.

Please see the Syllabus and fee schedule.

Course references

Key references (contains essential pre-reading)

We recommend that you purchase the following textbooks:

DermCert 1 - 23
Habif T, Chapman S, Dinulos J, Zug K. Skin disease. Diagnosis and treatment. 4th ed: Elsevier Saunders, 2018.

DermCert 24
Delves et al (2017). Roitt’s Essential Immunology. 13th edition, Wiley Blackwell; Pages 4-10 and 12-13.  (RACGP members can request these relevant pages from the RACGP John Murtagh Library.)

DermCert 25
Rosendahl, C & Marozava, A. Dermatoscopy and Skin Cancer: A handbook for hunters of skin cancer and melanoma, Scion Publishing, 2019

Recommended further reading for those particularly interested in dermatological surgery

Robinson J, Hanke C, Siegel D, Fratila A.  Surgery of the skin. Procedural dermatology: 2nd ed: Elsevier Mosby, 2010.

RACGP members can access limited pages of some of these textbooks from the RACGP John Murtagh Library. Please note: copyright laws prevent the Library from supplying more than 10% of a resource.

