Expand your dermatological surgery techniques
This two day workshop accommodates all skill levels and includes small group practical sessions performing basic surgery and flap repairs on pigs' bellies. Rural and remote GPs may also be eligible to receive assistance under the Rural Procedural Grants Program
2025 workshop dates
RACGP East Melbourne Office
100 Wellington Parade,
East Melbourne VIC
Sydney |
Karstens Conference Centre Level 1,
111 Harrington Street,
The Rocks NSW |
Participants must complete DermCert4: Practical procedues in dermatology prior to attending the workshop.
Save $390 by purchasing the workshop and DermCert 4 as a package!
Register now
Learning outcomes
Day 1:
- Analyse a range of dermatological surgical techniques used in general practice.
- Determine when to use non-surgical treatments for skin cancer, including complications and risks.
- Review set up of clinic for surgical procedures and other specific requirements.
- Perform a range various dermatological surgical techniques.
Day 2:
- Review strategies to implement risk management procedures.
- Analyse a range of advanced dermatological surgical techniques used in general practice.
- Review closure options by anatomical site.
- Perform different flap surgical techniques.
Topics covered include:
- cryotherapy
- local anaesthesia
- biopsy techniques
- electrodessication and curettage
- surgical anatomy
- elliptical excision surgery
- intralesional steroid injections
- sutures and suturing
- skin defect repairs; including flaps
- skin grafts (split and full thickness)
- closure options by anatomical site
- setting up your clinic for surgical procedures
- risk management for surgery related procedures
CPD program approval
Please note:
Surgical instruments will be provided at the workshop. Please do not bring your own surgical instruments.