FSP Training Site and Supervisor Handbook

For supervisors

Offsite Supervision

Last revised: 04 Aug 2023

Offsite Supervision

Offsite supervision aims to provide options for GP registrars to work in locations where there is limited or no regular on-site supervision. Offsite supervision may be considered when onsite supervision cannot be provided by an accredited supervisor if the registrar has general registration with no addenda. Rather than viewing this as second-best training, guidelines have been developed to facilitate supervision and learning that is comparable to the traditional supervision where the registrar and supervisor are working in the same building or for the same medical service.

Fundamental to this model of supervision is the identification and selection of an appropriate and effective supervisor. Fellowship Support Program (FSP) offsite supervisors are experienced specialist GPs, and AGPT accredited supervisors, ideally with an understanding of the local context in which the registrar is working. 

There is a well-documented need for developing the GP workforce in rural and remote Australia, however registrars working in these settings often find it difficult to access appropriate supervision. There is evidence that training GPs in these locations can build capacity and skill, and enable true generalism in health care provision, as well as promoting cultural awareness and connections in many small communities.

The offsite supervisor will be involved in the following activities: 

  • Early Assessment of Safety and Learning (EASL) - 10 hours over the first two weeks of the program comprising orientation, observation of practice, daily case review, clinical case analysis, and formulation of a supervision and teaching plan.
  • Clinical supervision (I.e., oversight and support of clinical work) of up to one hour/week for the duration of the registrar’s program (usually two years).
  • Educational supervision (I.e., support of the Registrar’s learning): one hour per fortnightin the registrar’s first year and one hour per month in the second year.
  • Supervisor reports on the registrar’s progress every six months.

All supervisor activities are remunerated at $150/hour (plus GST and superannuation where applicable). Supervisor support and training will be provided by the RACGP.

The Fellowship Support Program will have an ongoing need for supervisors willing to take on this role as we seek to train doctors to move towards Fellowship. This is part of the commitment by RACGP to support rural and remote doctors, despite the barriers of distance and isolation, to be able to train as specialist GPs. In this way, we will be working towards improving the health care of Australians living in rural and remote areas. 

For further information or to express your interest, please email: fspadmin@racgp.org.au.
