Fellowship Support Program Registrar handbook

Training program requirements

Multi-source feedback

      1. Multi-source feedback

Multi-source feedback

Multi-source feedback (MSF) provides you with feedback from both patients and colleagues and asks you to self-evaluate your skills, particularly in the areas of communication and professionalism. It's a collective of patient feedback, colleague feedback and self-reflection.

Your MSF will be posted directly to your primary training site from the company Client Focused Evaluation Program (CFEP) Surveys. The pack you receive in the mail is only for your patients to complete. You, as well as your nominated colleagues, will receive login details via email to complete a report through the CFEP portal.

You'll need to:

  • gather 30 patient's feedback and return the pack to CFEP in an enclosed self-addressed envelope (do not forward these to RACGP)
  • nominate 12 colleagues to provide feedback via the CFEP portal. Remember, you're able to draw on anyone you have professionally interacted with in the past 12 months
  • use the CFEP portal to complete a self-reflection.

Patients are surveyed using an interpersonal skills questionnaire. The survey explores patient perceptions about your behaviours, such as listening skills, clarity of explanations, respect for the patient and involvement of the patient in decision-making, as well as the patient's confidence in your ability.

You'll complete one MSF assessment during your general practice training, and that will be in GPT2, with feedback given by your ME in your GPT3 progress meeting.
